Total 16/12/2024 : We HAVE 10674 Items and more than 3409 happy members.
Log Update Item Brizy Pro
This page only show history update item Brizy Pro.

Fixed: Content shift caused by Carousel on page load 

* Fixed: Mailchimp error on creating new list 

* Fixed: Link to File option was missing in toolbar on Button 

* Fixed: Section Image crop issue in mobile view for Popups

* Fixed: Mobile 100vw width for Mega Menus

* Fixed: Misalignment for Menu arrows in mobile view

* Fixed: Switcher spacing option 

* Fixed Fatal error happening in is_plugin_active function 

* Fixed: Review element is broken in product pages

* Fixed: Fatal error happening with Highend theme

* New: Text Image mask that works with post and page featured image

* Fixed: Pagination color on hover for Posts element

* Fixed: Post type names were not white label   

* Fixed: Global styles changes in post content

* Fixed: Switcher style two icon active color 

* Fixed: Adding more than one popup in Text element on text links

* Fixed: Menu gradient background

* Fixed: Popup inside Posts Element 

* Fixed: White label - Form apps contained the name Brizy 

* Fixed: Posts context right click menu does not appear 

* Fixed: Table syncing styles between all cells 

* Fixed: Hamburger menu closing if is in Mega Menu 

* Fixed: Menu tab overlaps menu items on scroll

* Fixed: Sticky options on Header element 

* Fixed: Option go to slide in Story on Lottie elements

* Fixed: WooGallery does not change main image 

* Fixed: Popup content vertical alignment

* Fixed: PostExcerpt in Woo Products 

* Fixed: Header type fixed shaking on scroll 

* Fixed: Hamburger menu drawer position in responsive 

* Fixed: Edit static header 

* Fixed: getting global popups 

* Fixed: Mega Menu 100 vw width in responsive modes 

* Fixed: Activate and Deactivate license when all license fields license are empty

* Fixed: Do not load updater hooks on multisite envs, show only in network admin the notice about license

* Improved: Current Query for customers in Posts element

* Improved: The size icons in the Timeline element   

* Improved: Post navigation links  

Fixed: RichText with popups

Fixed: RichText with popups

* New: Is activated command for wp-cli 

* Fixed: Error handling for forms

* Fixed: Admin notice in dashboard

New: New Templates

Fixed:  Check immediately if there is a new version of the pro plugin after we got a new version of the free plugin

* New: Added background image and gradient to hamburger menu 

* New: In excerpt dynamic content on Text, display only the filled in tags: p, H1, H2, etc

* Fixed: Leave page window when you did not change anything in the page

* Fixed: Feature image on hover did not inherit image from normal state for Menu, Header, Footer, Popup

* Fixed: Rounded corners on Images that are dynamic 

* Fixed: Contact forms in Mega Menu 

* Fixed: Some outline icons did not display in the editor

* Fixed: Dynamic text alignment 

* Fixed: Sidebar for Timeline element in mobile view 

* Fixed: Menu background color hover when you select a global color 

* New: Added dynamic text population method in the Line element

* New: Added Icons for Switcher element

* New: Added Rating scale option 5 and 10

* New: Added scroll animation Effects funtionality

* New: Added reorder to Gallery element

* New: Added reorder to Timeline element

* New: Added reorder to Playlist element

* New: Added support for placeholders in email templates

* New: Added new Sale element for the WooCommerce builder

* Improved: WooCart variable products label styling

* Improved: Can change name for All tag in Posts element

* Improved: Removed max depth limit for the Menu element

* Improved: Multi tabs for the Facebook element

* Improved: WooCart styling improvements

* Improved: WooAtributes made title come from backend

* Fixed: Hover option for filters on Header and Footer elements

* Fixed: Fonts in the Menu element when you have Twenty Twenty-One WP theme activated

* Fixed: Lottie resize dots

* Fixed: White label default links for Twitter and Facebook

* Fixed: Mobile Menu text when empty

* Fixed: Added horizontal scroll for Table element in responsive views

* Fixed: Hide additional info about the product if there is no data

* Fixed: Editor product gallery

* Fixed: Added all tags in post tag loop

* Fixed: Compiler returns empty array on page styles and scripts