Total 29/09/2024 : We HAVE 10035 Items and more than 3333 happy members.
Log Update Item Adifier - Classified Ads WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item Adifier - Classified Ads WordPress Theme.

Bug fixes

GDPR Updates (support for following cookie plugins Complianz, CookieYes, GDPR Cookie Compliance, Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA, Borlabs Cookie)

Documentation Update

Updated language file

WP 5.9 compatibility fixes

Switched to Elementor as default page builder

Minor bug fixes

Added check for profile completiotion prior to purchasing

Update language file

  • Minor bug fixes
  • Added resend verification email
  • Added bad words filter on contact
  • Added exact expire time on single advert for auctions
  • Added support for selected date format
  • Added negotiable ads filter
  • Added bad word filter on all forms
  • Added bulk delete groups and custom fields
  • Added Google reCaptcha V3 on forms for logged out users
  • Added viber share
  • Improved highligh advert
  • Expired and sold ads go to 404
  • Improved ad chart to be per month
  • Updated language file