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Log Update Item MailWizz - Email Marketing Application
This page only show history update item MailWizz - Email Marketing Application.

[ADD] - Added support for Embed Images for Mailgun Web Api 

[BUG] - Fix a bug in the Symfony Mailer implementation for embed images  

[RMV] - Deprecated AppInitHelper::fixRemoteAddress  

[ADD] - Added options to tell the app it is running under a reverse proxy so that it extracts the right IP addresses for visitors  

[SEC] - Fixed a bug that allowed guest users to bypass the anti-brute login mechanism and do more login requests that allowed  

[CHG] - Changed the way we retrieve the IP addresses of visitors. See    

[BUG] - The search extension would show the search modal in the login screen when it should not  

[ADD] - Implemented backoff/throttle for failed login attempts 

[ADD] - Added Warmup Plans for delivery servers, to build sender reputation over a period of time. See

[UPD] - CSS updates

[MSC] - Overall fixes

[UPD] - Updated composer packages

[ADD] - Added a wrapper over getimagesize for better security. For best results, PHP's finfo class/extension must be enabled on your host

[UPD] - Updated composer packages

[ADD] - Added Domains Blacklist

[ADD] - Added ability to add subscribers to Customer Blacklist from customer area with one click

[ADD] - Added ability to remove items from Queue Monitor if they are too old(24H) in the processing state

[ADD] - Confirmation step of the campaign will tell the estimated number of recipients for that campaign  

[ADD] - Survey fields can get default values now. If you need to default on subscriber values, just use the subscriber tag from your list with the SUBSCRIBER_ prefix, i.e: [SUBSCRIBER_EMAIL]

[ADD] - Added A/B Testing feature for Autoresponders subject lines  

[ADD] - Added scroll indicator for delivery server popup and Campaign Quick View popup

[ADD] - Added A/B Testing subjects in the Campaign Quick View popup

[ADD] - Campaign status can now be modified from the API update endpoint  

[ADD] - Campaign test emails will now get the [TEST] prefix on subject lines  

[ADD] - Added ability to decide if customers can use recurring campaigns or not

[BUG] - Fix a bug in customer controller for guests where we wrongly referenced the API key to send new customers details to a MailWizz list

[ADD] - Add list display name as page title in public list pages, such as subscribe form  

[ADD] - Added an optional name property for Bounce / FBL / Email Box Monitors, for easier identification

[RMV] - Removed unused libraries from composer.json  

[CHG] - We're no longer using Queue Tables for Autoresponders + Segments. More at  

[MSC] - Overall fixes

[UPD] - Updated composer packages