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Log Update Item Easy Digital Downloads - Software Licenses
This page only show history update item Easy Digital Downloads - Software Licenses.
  • Fix: Improved performance related to license retrieval and activation counts.
  • Dev: Remote Version and License Check methods can now return an array instead of only outputting JSON.
  • Dev: The arguments used to create a license can now be filtered.
  • EDD 3.0: License upgrades were not supporting the partially refunded status.
  • Samples
    • Sample Plugin
      • 'Tested Up To' value for WordPress Plugins now mirrors WordPress Core behavior.
      • EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater class is now 1.9.2.

Fix: The license keys shortcode was not showing "Unlimited" for unlimited licenses.

Fix: In certain scenarios, users who opted into upgrading to betas could not upgrade to a newer stable version of a download.

Fix: Variable prices could not set the activation limit to be empty.

Fix: The Software Licensing upgrade notice was showing on new EDD 3.0 installations.

Fix: Fatal error when changing price ID on existing bundle license.

Fix: Deprecation notice in PHP 8.1.

Fix: Updating a lifetime license incorrectly sets the expiration date to today.

Dev: The EDD_SL_License constructor can now accept an array or object representing the database row.

Dev: Performance improvements when retrieving license keys.

Dev: Use EDD core's extension registry class if available.

New: Admins can now subscribe and unsubscribe users from license renewal emails.

New: Staged Rollouts feature - You can now slowly release a new version of your software to your users.

New: Version Requirements feature - Prevent users with unsupported requirements from getting updates.

New: Added an index to the license_key database column to improve performance.

Fix: Upgrade paths button did not work with Easy Digital Downloads 2.11.

Fix: Tooltips displayed incorrectly when using German translations.

Fix: Methods to get license term and license expiration unit nicename did not respect variable price IDs.

Fix: Show Changelog link for multisite could show the changelog for the wrong download.

Sample Plugin

  • Updater Class: Updated to version 1.9.
  • New: Support for requirements checks before providing an update package.
  • Fix: Improved support for multi-site installations.

Sample Theme

  • Updater Class: Updated to version 1.2.
  • New: Support for requirements checks before providing an update package.
  • Fix: Removed some PHP errors and warnings.