* Optimisation: Reduce the number of queries made to the database & trigger fewer code during early code loaded in Asset CleanUp Pro's MU plugin (e.g. to determine if the URI is a homepage, to determine the page type based on the URI)
* "Plugins Manager": Make sure the green font shows for any load exception rule that is chosen
* "Plugins Manager" Fix: When non-latin characters were used in the URI, some plugin unload/load exception rules were not working such as the ones based on the post type (e.g. post, page, product, tag) and taxonomy (e.g. category, tag, product category, product tag)
* "Plugins Manager" Fix: The load exception rule was not applied for plugins on taxonomy pages ('category', 'post_tag', 'product_cat', 'product_tag') when set using the following option: "On the following taxonomy pages:"
* Flush "W3 Total Cache" (if the plugin is activated) object cache whenever the list of CSS/JS files is fetched by Asset CleanUp Pro to avoid retrieving the previous configuration after changes are made to the CSS/JS manager
* Improvement: Add more uniqueness to the plugin's JS code deferring the CSS to avoid any conflicts with other similar codes
* Fix: The requested URI was sometimes wrongly detected as the homepage, if some common query strings (e.g. "utm_source") were in the URI
* "Plugins Manager": Ability to unload plugins (and load them as an exception from any unload rule) on all taxonomy pages
* "Bricks – Visual Site Builder for WordPress": Do not trigger Asset CleanUp Pro whenever the page builder is used
* Fix: Better RegEx for detecting "@import" within CSS comments when optimizing the CSS, thus avoiding useless attempts to fetch the information from the @import locations, since they are commented and not needed in the final CSS version
* "Plugins Manager": Ability to unload plugins (and load them as an exception from any unload rule) on the homepage (no more complex RegEx required) & on all "Category" and "Tag" pages (the default WordPress taxonomies)
* Fix: "Google Fonts" -- "Apply font-display: CSS property value" was not applying for hardcoded LINK tags when the Google fonts were not combined
* Fix: "Plugin Usage Preferences" -- "Manage in the Dashboard" -- "Fetch the assets on a button click": if the user updates a post (when Gutenberg editor is used), the CSS/JS manager loads, when it shouldn't as the admin never used the button to fetch the CSS/JS list in the first place
* Fix: 'PHP Warning: Undefined array key "site_url" in [...]/templates/_admin-pages-critical-css/common/_applies-to.php on line 11'
* Fix: Load exceptions via RegEx for CSS/JS weren't always matched in PHP 7.1+
* Added "wpacu_print_info_comments_in_cached_assets" filter hook for the option to avoid printing by default of plugin's comments in the CSS/JS files (e.g. the relative path to the file)
* Fix: Make sure that jQuery Chosen (the nice looking drop-down) is loaded and applied to elements (e.g. taxonomies list) within the CSS/JS manager if loaded from the Dashboard via "WP Remote Post"
* Fix: Preloading (basic/async) stopped working in the previous version
* Fix: Premium unload/load exceptions rules were not always applying if there were no basic ("Lite" version related) rules applied (which is irrelevant as the user can only apply premium rules if he/she prefers)
* UI fix: Async/Defer on this page was not taken into consideration as an applied rule when using the following layout: "Grouped by having at least one rule & no rules"
Fix: When a static page is set as a homepage in "Settings" - "Reading", any load exceptions set as "On this page" would not take effect for the homepage
* Fix: Make sure all load exceptions for any unload rule are included in "Tools" -> "Import & Export"
* Fix: PHP Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given in /classes/Main.php on line 931
* Fix: Whenever unloading on all [taxonomy type] pages was enabled the following type of message wasn't showing in the CSS/JS manager: "This stylesheet is unloaded on all category taxonomy pages."
* Avoid notice errors regarding taxonomies that do not exist anymore when having WP_DEBUG turned on by using term_exists()
* Improvement: Load jQuery UI files locally, thus removing any unnecessary dependency on another site (e.g. not from "ajax.googleapis.com")
* Improvement: Escape as late as possible all variables when echoed
* Improvement: Replaced json_encode() with wp_json_encode() for better security
* Fix: When a word containing "calc" (e.g. calculation) was included in CSS comments, sometimes, the code following the comment was stripped
* PHP 8 Fix: 'PHP Warning: Undefined array key "critical_css_disabled"' in /templates/admin-page-overview.php
* Fix: 'Error: The security check has failed.0' when loading the CSS/JS list via the 'Direct' method within the Dashboard