Total 21/09/2024 : We HAVE 10012 Items and more than 3326 happy members.
Log Update Item NotificationX Pro
This page only show history update item NotificationX Pro.

- Added: Google dynamic map for Geo Notification.

- Fixed: Notification time translation issue.

- Few minor bug fix and improvements.

- Fixed: Advance Template for Google Analytics

- Fixed: Advance Template’s sales count.

- Few minor bug fix and improvements.

- Added: Cross Domain Notice

- Fixed: Duplicate Notification for Zapier

- Few minor bug fix and improvements.

- Fixed: MailChimp Notification with New Data

- Fixed: Notification Missing Map Image

- Few minor bug fix and improvements.

- Added: WPML Compatibility

- Fixed: PHP Fatal Error when creating Google Analytics

- Few minor bug fix & improvements

- Fixed: Date picker not working properly for Custom Notifications

- Fixed: MailChimp alerts not fetching the new data

- Few minor bug fix & improvements

- Fixed: Role Management not working properly

- Fixed: Google Analytics Alert template issue

- Updated: Google library for Analytics

- Few minor bug fix and improvements

Fixed: Sound alert not working properly

Fixed: "Hide on Selected Post IDs" not working properly

Few minor bug fix and improvements

- Revamped : Rebuilt entire plugin with ReactJS

- Revamped : Code Structure for better performance

- Redesigned : UI/UX Structure

- Fixed: Analytics Counting and Updating for Views & Clicks

- Fixed: Global Queue not working properly for Custom Notifications

- Added: Random order feature on most of the sources

- Few minor bug fix and improvements