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Log Update Item gAppointments - Appointment booking addon for Gravity Forms
This page only show history update item gAppointments - Appointment booking addon for Gravity Forms.

Update: WordPress 6.0 - design adaptation.

Fixed bug: "Forms" --> "Settings" --> "gAppointments" --> "Form booking category" (function gf_get_field_type_postid).

- Feature: Ability to dynamically change the calendar service without resetting the provider selection during a booking

- Fixed bug: Time slot capacity pop-up not displayed when available slot capacity is reduced to one

- Fixed bug: "Custom" service type creation validation issues

- Enhancement: Automated "Custom" service type appointment slot sorting

- Feature: "Payment Order Details" appointment field will only return entries from the form in which the appointment was booked

- Fixed bug: Conflicts with some WordPress themes and theme builders

- Fixed bug: Failure loading the calendar widget when service/provider title contained special characters

- Fixed bug: Calendar errors returning incorrect text messages

- Fixed bug: Processing payment detection and handling issues during new appointment creation

- Fixed bug: Unnecessary insertions of emptys spaces after calendar field merge tag

- Fixed bug: Conflict with Advanced Custom Fields PRO and Advanced Custom Fields Gravity Forms add-ons

- Feature: New appointment time-end shortcode added in "Date & Time" translations

- Feature: New hook that allows to override Google Calendar event description during calendar synchronization

- Feature: New hook that allows to define additional custom hints for Google Calendar event description

- Fixed bug: Issues assigned new appointments to the global provider

- Fixed bug: Google Calendar access token issues within provider syncronization setup

- Fixed bug: "jQuery(...).chosen is not a function" front-end error

- Fixed bug: Review page issues with all date appointment slots