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Log Update Item Exponent - Modern Multi-Purpose Business WordPress theme
This page only show history update item Exponent - Modern Multi-Purpose Business WordPress theme.

Merged: Typehub and Colorhub with Tatsu

* Fixed: WPML single blog link redirect to main blog

* Fixed: Woo commerce my account page to responsive

* Fixed: Woocommerce product display by catagories in tatsu product module

* Fixed: Mobile responsive maintenance mode page

* Fixed: Save purchase code

* Added: Blog title tag option in customizer

* Fixed: Kirki plugin Compatibility 

This includes following fixes:

* Fixed: Php8 wanings

* Fixed: Demo settings Import

Exponent Demos plugin new version v1.3.0 released.

This includes following fixes and included features:

* Fixed: Alert for required plugins before import

* Added: WP Forms data import

* Fixed: Set home page on import

* Fixed: Set WooCommerce pages on import

* Fixed: Set navigation menu in tasu header and footer

* Fixed: Content of Construction, Mobile App, Finance, Saas App, Corporate and Shop demos

BE grid plugin new version v1.2.8 released.

This includes following fixes:

* Fixed: Php8 warnings

Tatsu plugin new version v3.3.5 released.

This includes following fixes and included features:

* Fixed: Google Maps fatal error

* Added: Horizontal navigation dynamic menu level in header-builder

* Added: Rank Math SEO Plugin Compatibility

* Fixed: Header disappear from page on save tatsu header after import demo

* Fixed: Refresh Instagram access token

* Fixed: Inline text alignment

* Fixed: Text block text alignment

* Added: More icons to team module and removed g+