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Log Update Item Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin.
New Features
  • Added Copy to Clipboard (Alt + Shift + C) and Paste from Clipboard (Alt + Shift + V) to be able to copy layers, groups, rows between modules in different tabs
  • Added a new HTML tag "label" and its attribute "label for"
  • Video pause on slide change: Layer videos now have a new option for carousel slider to pause video layers on inactive slides even when they are visible
  • New parallax feature for carousel, now parallax layers will move based on carousel movement. The use is triggered by the "Drag & Mouse Move" option under mouse interaction in the parallax settings.
  • Shape background image management is now also available in the layer content for a better understanding
  • Double click on shape with an background image will open the last used image library for that shape
  • Layer targets (in actions and label for dropdown) will show the correct layer hierarchy with spacings and search boxes
  • HTML5 video looping in background causes fullscreen mode to exit.
  • SFX block mask does not work correctly on safari if translate Z is used
  • Groups in columns did not respect the order of layers
  • Carousel slides popup into the place if carousel has 3 slides.
  • Regression in update 6.6.7 causes BG videos to not play sometimes in carousel
  • Groups in columns did not respect the order of layers
  • Groups in columns set to absolute will not align well
  • Modal closes after any video in background completes a loop due to conflict.
  • Carousel visibility option for layers "Always visible on Carousel" disappears.
  • Block Scroll option does not work as expected on mobile.
  • Vimeo video speed option doesn't work on background video.
  • Attempting to change image via double click on shape layer results in error
  • Horizontal swipe gets triggered on iOS while swiping vertically
  • 6.6.0 Regression: Old cached version of rbtools was loading with new update
  • Notice occurring since 6.5.30 about bos not defined
  • 3D parallax effect gets clipped in the latest Chrome version
  • Advanced Transition fails if the HTML5 video is from third party domain
  • Editing frame actions in backend fails with a console error
  • Carousel scaling is wrong in certain PHP environment settings
  • Using decimal values with postfix shows error even though the value is valid
  • Material Icons were loaded from Google if the global setting "Enable Google Fonts download" was set to "Cache Fonts Local"
  • Layer can receive hover effects even is border-style is set to none
  • Slider cannot be edited after updating from very old versions
  • Sharp Corner extensions are not rendering correctly in WordPress 6.0
  • Video layer with "No Interaction" enabled, becomes clickable with link action
  • Scroll Below Slider and Scroll to ID actions don't work on video layer with "No Interaction" enabled
  • Video border radius disappears after in-animations on some rare situations
  • Box shadow does not render full opacity if #000000 color is used
  • Object library could not fetch thumbnails and full objects if cURL is not enabled
  • Clickable scroll based animated layers are not any more clickable after scrolling backwards when layers are overlapping each other
  • Rapidly clicking and very rare repeated slowly clicks on navigation buttons changes the direction of layeranimations
  • Slide animation from last slide to first slide produced a rewind effect if the direction based animation has been selected. This is changed now to forward direction
  • HTML slider exports inclusion of jQuery.js is with http:// instead of https://
  • Dragging bottom (and/or) right aligned layers in the editor gives a sticky effect during the drag process