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Log Update Item WPForms - Drag & Drop WordPress Form Builder
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### Fixed

- Layout fields were not shown when they were on any page other than the first page of a multi-page form and conditional logic was enabled on at least one field within the Layout field.

- Incorrect spacing around the Submit button in the Form Builder was fixed.

- Missing assets were added to the plugin.

### Added

- Introducing a completely new Content field to help you easily add formatted text to your forms.

- Submitted files can now be attached to the notification email, that is configurable on the Form Builder > Notifications screen.

- All anti-spam protection settings are grouped in one place in the Form Builder > Settings for easier access.

- You can now completely block form submissions from certain countries.

- You can also block form submissions that contain particular keywords.

- New hooks at the beginning and end of each page of the Page Break field.

### Changed

- Recently added Form Templates are now available in the "New Templates" category.

- Non-responsive (desktop) version of the Form Builder is not accessible on mobile devices.

### Fixed

- jQuery deprecation notices were triggered in the browser's console.

- Close button in dropdowns was displayed incorrectly in certain places.

- A PHP warning was raised on certain site configurations when the user tried to submit a form.

- Toggle control animation was working incorrectly in certain cases.

- Required fields were still highlighted as incomplete after being filled on the Form Builder > Marketing screen.

- Text was overlapping the down arrow on dropdowns in the 2021 theme.

- The Currency field dropdown went outside of the page border in the Form Builder.

- WPForms Challenge user experience was improved.

- Smart tag list was too big in fields with warnings.

- Some input masks caused the text in the Text field to be right-aligned.

- Compatibility with the 2023 theme was improved.

- Search was incorrectly processing the `0` term when performed on the Entries Overview page.

- Entry Preview functionality didn't work on the Form Preview page when Conversational Forms was enabled.

- A PHP warning related to the Entry CSV Attachment was raised when navigating through different form revisions.

- Entry CSV Attachment settings were not saved properly when saved too quickly after the page load.

### Added

- There is a new filter `wpforms_builder_panel_sidebar_section_classes` to change builder panel sidebar section classes.

### Changed

- Updated DOMPurify library to 2.4.0.

### Fixed

- Placeholder text in the Dropdown field was cut off in the Form Builder.

- The Form Builder had an inconsistent text strings escaping.

- The information about "no form templates to display" did not disappear when a category was changed.

### Fixed

- Email Notifications options for completed payments were displayed in an incorrect place - below the Settings > Notifications > Advanced section in the Form Builder.

- Very long field labels were not wrapped and were breaking mid-word.

### Added

- Entries can now be checked against the Akismet API to prevent spam submissions.

- When exporting entries on the Tools > Export page all items can be selected or deselected easily with a single click in Form Fields and Additional Information sections.

### Changed

- Only 3 uploaded files are now displayed in the table on the Entries list page.

- Paragraph and multiline long values are properly truncated to improve readability on the Entries list page.

- Display fields available according to license level as active in the Form Builder, even if the required addon is not installed or activated.

- Single Item field placeholder option is now displayed only when a User Defined type is selected.

- The Date/Time field displays options from `01` to `12` instead of from `00` to `11` when the format is set to `12 H`.

- Address field' country name is now displayed instead of the country code throughout the plugin admin area.

- Empty post titles and term names in Dynamic Choices are now treated the way WordPress does.

- Modern Dropdown field fuzzy search sensitivity is adjusted to display only exact matches.

- Allow typing choices in the modern Dropdown field with the Multiple Options Selection option enabled.

- WPForms Challenge experience is improved for new users.

- Lite Connect is now disabled in non-production environments.

- Lite Connect functionality improves handling of staging and cloned sites, and changed domain names.

- Unnecessary PHP packages are no longer shipped in WPForms Lite.

- Stylesheets loaded in the Form Builder and on certain plugin pages are better optimized and shrank to improve performance.

- WPForms now better integrates with the WP Mail SMTP plugin to enable overriding From Name and From Email values in existing forms.

- Form Notifications now have better validation of From Email settings.

- Displaying and counting the total number of entries is improved across the admin area of the plugin.

- Start using new `elementor/widgets/register` hook introduced in Elementor 3.5.0.

- The intl-tel-input library has been updated to v17.0.17 to support more regions and area codes.

- Updated DOMPurify library to 2.3.10.

- Updated jquery.validate library to 1.19.5.

### Fixed

- Improved compatibility with Twenty Twenty-Two theme.

- No more missing form ID in the date dropdown `id` HTML attribute.

- Added meaningful `alt` text to form submission spinner image to stop being flagged by certain SEO scanners.

- Address field's Country value on the Entries list page was truncated with the International scheme set.

- Lite Connect import admin notice on the Tools > Scheduled Actions page was positioned incorrectly.

- Page break titles overlapped on certain screen sizes when using the Connector progress indicator.

- Single Item field Placeholder value was not updating correctly in the Form Builder preview.

- Constant Contact Authorization Code and Account Nickname fields are now required on the Settings > Integrations page.

- Constant Contact connection can now be added even if the Authorization Code is invalid.

- Error occurred upon form submission when Time in Date/Time field was set to 00AM.

- Fields that required unique answers did not work with page breaks.

- A form with a smart Phone field that requires a unique value didn't get submitted if the phone field value was invalid, even if the phone field was hidden by conditional logic.

- Form cannot be submitted now until all uploads in separate modern File Upload fields are finished.

- Conditional Logic was not working when the value was updated on paste from the clipboard.

- Modern File Upload field was not fully cleared when hidden and shown again with Conditional Logic applied.

- Validation of required fields on Marketing or Payment sections in the Form Builder was triggered even if the field is hidden.

- Action Scheduler was triggering a PHP fatal error on the Tools > Scheduled Actions page on PHP 5.6.

- Images breaking out of containers on smaller screens if Multiple Choice and Checkboxes fields were set to use image choices.

- `query_var` smart tag was not working in Confirmations and Notifications.

- Incorrect results were displayed when search by term was combined with a date filter.

- Plugin and addons could not be updated via WP CLI.

- Custom templates had an incorrect badge, "Addon" instead of "Custom".

- The Confirmation Message label overlapped the editor when WYSIWYG mode was disabled.

- A list of IP addresses forwarded by Cloudflare or some other proxies could not be parsed if it contained spaces.

- Default form title was not changed when switching form templates.

- Both `page_title` and `page_id` smart tags were returning incorrect values on non-singular pages if the form was used outside the Loop.

- WPForms Block preview (on block hover) was rendered incorrectly in Site Editor.

- Users with roles other than Administrator could not see all export options even if they had sufficient permissions.

- Display only those sections that the user has permissions to view and interact with on the WPForms > Tools page.

- Rich Text field label was misplaced if positioned below the Single Line Text field with the Address Autocomplete option enabled.

- Sorting entries by Total column worked incorrectly when combined with pagination.

- User-uploaded files remained in the /uploads/wpforms/ directory when an Entry was deleted.

- Partially uploaded user files were not deleted when the upload was interrupted or canceled.

- Files with extensions containing an underscore or a hyphen were not supported by the File Upload field.

- Custom validation errors were not displayed with hCaptcha enabled upon AJAX form submission.

- Validation errors were not shown when the field with an input mask was not fully filled.

- Duplicated entries were created in the database when an entry of the form with more than 30 fields was edited.

- Smart Tags could be added to Sender Email and Sender Name if the fields were managed by the WP Mail SMTP plugin.

- The Confirmation message block had incorrect margins in the Twenty Twenty-Two theme.

- Occasional errors during migration were fixed when upgrading from some older versions of WPForms.

- The Confirmation Redirect URL can no longer be saved with an empty value.

- Default choices were displayed on the frontend if a Dynamic Choices source had no objects (Dropdown, Multiple Choice, and Checkboxes fields were affected).

### Fixed

- Migrations logic was broken in certain cases when addons have their own migrations.

- Security-related improvements around email generation for notifications.

### Fixed

- Some users were not able to use templates when creating a form.

### Added

- New filter to modify CSS classes of the form submit button on the frontend.

### Changed

- The PayPal Standard transaction URL now uses a new format on the Entry details page.

- Improve cached templates handling in the Form Builder.

### Fixed

- Retrieving a current URL should not strip a custom port.

- "JavaScript file not found" error when the "Load Assets Globally" option was enabled in Settings > General.

- WordPress database error when upgrading from WPForms Lite to WPForms Pro.

- Do not cache an incorrect or empty response from the Templates API.

- PHP warning raised in certain notifications configuration when PayPal payment status is changed to Completed.

### Fixed

- Increase chances for the templates inside the Form Builder to load properly, so occasional empty form creation from a template should be gone.

- PHP fatal error was generated in some cases when Lite Connect attempted to generate site key too many times.