* FEATURE: Ability to defer js files and asynchronously load css files
* FEATURE: Option to not aggregate inline styles and scripts
* FIX: Always purge this cache HTML issue
* FIX: Cache - Enable cache for subfolders and multisite installation with the permalink structure example.com/index.php/a-post-name
* FIX: PHP 8 Issue: Minify and Merge Error
* FIX: Silent failure of page caching if plugin location not found
* TWEAK: Added Update URI header field to avoid accidentally being overwritten with an update of a plugin of a similar name from the WordPress.org Plugin Directory.
* TWEAK: Delay displaying notices for 2 weeks
* TWEAK: Improve label of when saving a media type in always purge this
* TWEAK: Improve query for EWWW IO history
* TWEAK: Prevent a PHP notice if using WP-Optimize and MetaSlider on the same site.
* TWEAK: Prevent PHP warnings from theme update and google font minify
* TWEAK: Skip HTML minification if the total size is > 1MB (takes too long to be worthwhile)
* TWEAK: Updating custom compression slider values