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Log Update Item GravityView - DataTables Extension
This page only show history update item GravityView - DataTables Extension.

Added: Auto-Update setting! DataTables will automatically refresh with new entries as they're added.

Fixed: DataTables scripts would not load when manually outputting the contents of the `[gravityview]` shortcode. Requires GravityView 2.13.4 or newer.

* Fixed: GravityView Entry Approval not working when in responsive mode (requires GravityView 2.13.2 or newer)

* Fixed: Images displayed in a lightbox were duplicated when in responsive mode

* Fixed: Searching while FixedColumns breaks the table layout

* Fixed: DataTables scripts were being enqueued on every page load

* Fixed: DataTables scripts were enqueued on every page load

* Fixed: The field setting "Custom CSS Class" was not being used in the output

* Improved: Minor security fix

__Developer Updates:__

* Modified: Changed enqueuing of scripts to happen from the `gravityview/template/after` action

* This means GravityView 1.x template overrides will no longer function for DataTables. See our [template migration guide]( for more information.

* Modified: Removed support for exporting using deprecated .swf behavior in DataTables

* Modified: Removed use of global `gvDTButtons` JavaScript variable on the front-end