Total 01/04/2025 : We HAVE 11318 Items and more than 3524 happy members.
Log Update Item Ultimate Member - User Photos
This page only show history update item Ultimate Member - User Photos.

* Added: Privacy settings for the albums on the frontend

* Added: Method that deletes all user photos

* Added: Global setting for the album photos limit

* Fixed: Account > User Photos > Download all button displaying

* Added: Photo uploading limits for the roles

* Changed: Separated album notification from 1 to 3 actions (album added, album edited, album deleted)

* Fixed: Extension settings structure

* Fixed: Modal does not close when deleting album

* Fixed: Empty album cover URL

* Templates required update:

  - email/new_album.php

* Added: Photo sorting on album edit modal

* Fixed: Conflict with All in One SEO. Moved modal template to the footer.

* Fixed: Update album photos on image delete

* Fixed: Visibility of the user photos uploads on media library list view.