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Log Update Item Custom Post Type UI Extended
This page only show history update item Custom Post Type UI Extended.

* Added: Post Cards layout in the block, with all available options.

* Added: Easy Digital Downloads layout in the block, with all available options.

* Added: Post Slider layout in the block

* Added: Template versioning similar to WooCommerce to help notify about potential template updates.

* Added: WordPress filter on our usage of the excerpt output.

* Updated: List layout to have all remaining options finished.

* Updated: Label verbiage when choosing a post type post for Single Post Type layout.

* Updated: Removed HelpScout integration.

* Updated: Show "no content found" message in layout if no posts were found.

* Fixed: Post type screen in individual multisite site was receiving network-wide taxonomies as options.

* Added: WooCommerce layout in the block, with all available options.

* Added: Taxonomy List layout in the block, with all available options.

* Added: New hook located after pagination markup in Posts, WooCommerce, and Easy Digital Downloads layouts.

* Updated: Finished remaining options for "Default" layout.

* Updated: Continued adding options for "List" layout, specifically "Order" and "Orderby" options.

* Updated: Changed wording from "Amount" to "Posts Per Page" for consistency with WordPress.

* Updated: Slick Slider to the latest version.

* Updated: Touched up text for screen readers around pagination for our layouts.

Fixed: Issue around featured image display and new block functionality.

* Added: "Default" Layout Block

* Fixed: Made default/fallback values for get_option() based calls consistent with expected type.

* Updated: Made ID attributes unique for wrapping div on our output.

* Fixed: PHP Deprecations regarding parameter order

* Fixed: Issues around content type deletion in network admin

* Fixed: Empty confirmation dialog in network admin.

* Fixed: Issues regarding saving "Extended" section settings after CPTUI 1.10.0 release.

* Fixed: Missing saving of Divi/RSS feed options to network-wide post types.

* Fixed: Issues with network import of post type/taxonomy data after Custom Post Type UI 1.10.0 release

* Updated: Removed usage of deprecated jQuery change function

* Updated: noopener attributes to links that open in new windows