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Log Update Item WP Courseware - WordPress LMS Plugin
This page only show history update item WP Courseware - WordPress LMS Plugin.

Fix: Fixed issue where quiz "begin" and quiz "retake" buttons wouldn't initiate a quiz.

* Fix: Fixed issue where expired courses were listed on the course archive page

* Fix: Fixed issue where expired courses were listed on the account->courses page

* Fix: Fixed issue where expired courses were listed when using the course progress shortcode

* Fix: Fixed issue where expired course units were accessible

* Fix: Fixed issue with course progress widget throwing a PHP notice

* Fix: Fixed issue with course progress bar widget throwing a PHP notice

* Fix: Fixed issue where courses with status of draft, pending review, or private were still visible on course progress and course outline.

* New: Added new fonts for certificate.

* Fix: Fixed issue with download quiz results from student progress page.

* New: Added new fonts for certificate.

* Fix: Fixed the course expired text string to be translatable.

* Fix: Fixed issue where certificate uppercase text for characters with accents would remain lower case.

* Fix: Fixed issue where duplicating at the course or module level would not duplicate post_meta for units.

* Fix: Purchase and installment text was not translating properly.

* Fix: Fixed issue where translating the string "WP Courseware" would break Javascript on the settings page.