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Log Update Item WooCommerce Amazon Fulfillment
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Amazon Fulfillment.

* Remove support for MWS

* Implement work-around for Amazon API not returning all SKUs to fix inventory sync

* Implement logging through WooCommerce logging

* Add URL to package tracking number for shipment status

* Patch to MAJOR UPDATE (see full details of version 4.0.0)

* Fix issue in passing # symbol to Amazon with temporary work-around

* Fix issue with SKUs containing + symbol with temporary work-around

* Fix BLANK_BOX feature reference per the SP API model

* Fix some issues with inventory sync not going past the first page of results

* Fix php notices and error handling when API errors are returned

* Patch to MAJOR UPDATE (see full details of version 4.0.0)

* Fix issue with variation stock level not syncing

* Fix issue with orders containing variations not auto sending to Amazon

* Patch to MAJOR UPDATE (see full details of version 4.0.0)

* Revert order number sent to Amazon to WC order / post ID

* Fix issue preventing scheduled inventory sync

* Fix automatic order status syncing (depends on active inventory sync schedule)

* Patch to MAJOR UPDATE (see full details of version 4.0.0)

* Fix issue with variation SKUs not being properly sent to Amazon

* Patch to MAJOR UPDATE (see full details of version 4.0.0)

* Fix error when Disabled Shipping Methods setting is used