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Log Update Item Savoy - Minimalist AJAX WooCommerce Theme
This page only show history update item Savoy - Minimalist AJAX WooCommerce Theme.

WooCommerce 7.0.1 template updates.

Fix: Shop URL not updated after filtering in some cases.

Slider Revolution plugin: Included latest version (6.6.5).

WooCommerce 7.0 template updates.

Fix: Incorrect function prefix for translating video button text.

Fix: PHP notice in rare cases when "shop page" setting is empty.

Portfolio: Tweak - Added filter-hook for post type queries.

Slider Revolution plugin: Included latest version (6.6.4).

WPBakery Page Builder: Included latest version (6.10.0).

WooCommerce 6.9 template updates.

Tweak: Elementor - Replaced deprecated "is_built_with_elementor" function.

Tweak: Added filter-hook to change Featured Video icon.

Tweak: Added filter-hooks for Posts and Post Slider widget query.

Fix: Filter used to disable default WooCommerce styles causing PHP error.

Slider Revolution plugin: Included latest version (6.5.31).

WooCommerce 6.7 template updates.

New: Added List layout for the shop catalog.

Tweak: Added filter-hook to enable header icons for mobile menu.

Tweak: Featured Video button now included via filter-hook.

Fix: Instagram element unable to display feed in some cases.

Fix: PHP warning when title is missing for footer logo image.

WooCommerce 6.6 template updates.

Tweak: Removed various deprecated prefixed styles.

Tweak: Integrations for new Instagram plugin settings page.

Slider Revolution plugin: Included latest version (6.5.25).