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Log Update Item PowerPack for Elementor
This page only show history update item PowerPack for Elementor.

* Enhancement: Table - Added option to add tooltips in cells

* Enhancement: Pricing Table - Added Icon Spacing option for tooltip icons

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts, Card Slider, Content Ticker, Magazine Slider, Tiled Posts, Timeline - Added Avoid Duplicates option

* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion, FAQ - Added ability to open accordions using keypress

* Enhancement: WP Forms - Added styling options for Section Divider

* Fixed: Woo Products - Image target option

* Fixed: Image Gallery - Custom defined image size was not working

* Fixed: Video Gallery - Columns Gap and Rows Gap was not working when Filters were enabled

* Enhancement: Added pp_toc_no_headings_text filter hook

* Enhancement: Team Member Carousel - Added support for Tiktok social icon

* Enhancement: Woo Products - Added option to change title HTML tag

* Enhancement: WPForms - Added compatibility for Modern style dropdown fields

* Enhancement: Tiled Posts, Magazine Slider, Info Box Carousel, Tabbed Gallery - Added compatibility for containers

* Fixed: Woo Products - CSS issue on product archive pages

* Fixed: Woo Products - Columns Gap option was not working for Carousel layout

* Fixed: Offcanvas Cart - Cart was not working

* Fixed: Woo Categories - Extra gap being applied on the container with columns gap option

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Aligned post meta to bottom when equal height is option is selected

* Enhancement: Performance optimization

* Fixed: Advanced Posts - CSS issue with masonry layout

* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Column spacing was not working for Carousel layout

* New: Author List widget

* New: Presets feature

* New: Tooltip extension

* Enhancement: Popup Box - Added option to add link to image

* Enhancement: Video, Video Gallery, Devices, Showcase - Added support for YouTube shorts

* Enhancement: Table - Added link option to footer

* Enhancement: Pricing Table - Rearranged the features content inside tabs

* Enhancement: Content Reveal - Added option to enable or disable the scroll top effect

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts, Info Grid & Carousel, Business Reviews, Showcase, Image Slider, Woo Products - Replaced flex layout with grid layout

* Fixed: Image Gallery - Load more was not working when widget is saved as global

* Fixed: Pricing Table - Icon Image width was not working on frontend

* Fixed: Pricing Table - Icon check condition

* Fixed: Timeline - Items were appearing on same side for Posts Source type

* Fixed: Table - Footer style options were not working

* Fixed: Offcanvas - Width was not working

* Fixed: Image Gallery - Added condition to hide Caption Position option when Justified layout is selected

* Enhancement: Tiled Posts - Added ppe_tiled_posts_link filter

* Enhancement: FAQ - Added Custom CSS ID and Custom ID Prefix options

* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added Custom CSS ID option

* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Rearranged the repeater content inside tabs

* Enhancement: Advanced Posts - Added area-label and title attributes to read more button for accessibility

* Enhancement: Flip Box - Added content background and padding options

* Fixed: Background Effects - Background overlay was overriding the background effects in editor

* Fixed: Animated Gradient Background - Background overlay was overriding the gradient effect in editor

* Enhancement: Background Effects - Added default colors for effects

* Enhancement: Devices - Added new iPhone 13 device

* Enhancement: Login Form - Added options to link Lost Password and Register links to custom pages

* Fixed: Tiled Posts - Read more button hover effect was not working

* Fixed: Tiled Posts - Layout was breaking with other posts

* Fixed: Woo Products - Price Typography option was not working for Quick View popup

* Fixed: Woo Products - Equal height issue

* Fixed: Woo Add to Cart - Quantity button spacing was not working for selected product

* Fixed: Hotspots - Tooltip position issue

* Fixed: Image Slider - Issue with Elementor Flex Container

* Fixed: Advanced Menu - Dropdown background color was not applying to sub menu

* Fixed: Advanced Menu - Active color option was not working for one page links

* Fixed: Sliders arrow position issue on RTL layout

* Fixed: Coupons - Coupon Icon color option was not working for inline font icons

* Enhancement: Coupons - Added Copied text with wp_localize_script function to make it translation ready

* Enhancement: Core - Added support for Elementor Containers in Saved Section option

* Enhancement: Core - Added support for Elementor Containers to PowerPack extensions

* Enhancement: Team Member - Added: Margin option for image

* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added dynamic tags support to Play Icon image

* Enhancement: Image Hotspots - Added responsive support for hotspot positions

* Enhancement: Advanced Accordion - Added border radius option for title

* Enhancement: Twitter Tweet - Added support for URL dynamic tags

* Fixed: Image Hotspots - Hotspot padding option was not working correctly

* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Align Arrows option was not working

* Fixed: Advanced Posts - Active Filter option was not working

* Fixed: Info Box - Minor CSS glitch

* Fixed: Login Form - Wrong condition to check if email is sent

* Fixed: Display Conditions - Current Date option was not working for single day

* Fixed: Woo Cart - Cart Totals border option

* Enhancement: PowerPack Settings - Added Toggle All button to enable or disable all extensions at once

* Enhancement: Image Comparison - Added classes to before and after images

* Fixed: Image Comparison - Image size option was not working

* Enhancement: Woo Products, Woo Categories - Replaced slick slider with swiper slider

* Enhancement: Image Gallery - Added filter hooks to modify img attributes pp_gallery_output_image_srcset pp_gallery_image_html_attrs

* Fixed: PowerPack Taxonomy Thumbnail dynamic tag was not working for custom taxonomies

* Fixed: Core - PHP error when used with PHP 8

* Hotfix: Compatibility issues with Elementor 3.6.0

* Set the minimum required Elementor version to 3.2.0

* Enhancement: Team Member, Team Member Carousel - Added button style option for social links

* Enhancement: Flip Box - Added dynamic tags support for title, description and icon image options

* Enhancement: Team Member Carousel - Add links for Flickr, Tumblr, Github and Vimeo

* Enhancement: Instagram Feed - Added option again to the widget for adding custom access token

* Enhancement: Video Gallery - Added option to show video content over or below video

* Enhancement: Info List - Added content padding option

* Enhancement: Info List - Added content separator option

* Enhancement: Info List - Added Text Shadow and Spacing options for title

* Enhancement: Info List - Added spacing option for button

* Enhancement: Icon List - Added icon size option for individual icons

* Enhancement: Categories - Added check to arrows and dots to hide when there are no categories to show

* Enhancement: Link Effects - Added HTML tag option

* Enhancement: Display Conditions - Added support for adding multiple parameters

* Enhancement: Moved PowerPack extensions settings tab below Advanced section for easy accessibility

* Fixed: Popup Box - Close button style options were not working

* Fixed: Dual Heading - Fixed minor CSS glitch

* Added: Advanced Posts - Option to hide empty comments

* Fixed: Info List - Button was not showing on published page

* Fixed: Search suggestion for Pods was not working

* Fixed: Image Gallery, Image Slider, Album, Devices, Random Image, Showcase, Tabbed Gallery - Caption was not getting translated using WPML

* Enhancement: Add doc links to Twitter widgets

* Enhancement: TOC - Updated breakpoint for desktop

* Fixed: Link Effects - Spelling mistake in effect setting

* Fixed: Tabbed Gallery - Caption over image option was not working

* Fixed: Timeline - Responsive direction option was not working with Additional Custom Breakpoints option enabled

* Fixed: Woo Add to Cart - Quantity field styling options

* Fixed: Gravity Forms - Updated labels and field description selectors

* Added: Gravity Forms - Option to add spacing between labels and custom radio & checkboxes

* Added: Core - Plugin Short Name option in PowerPack White Label settings

* Enhancement: Random Image - Now different link can be added to each image

* Enhancement: Posts, Tabbed Gallery - Replaced slick slider with swiper slider

* Enhancement: Removed deprecated _register_controls function from all the widgets

* Set the minimum Elementor version required to 3.1.0