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Log Update Item Astra Pro WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item Astra Pro WordPress Plugin.

Fix: Blog - Infinite scroll is not working with Masonry Layout.

- Improvement: Removed jQuery dependency from Blog Pro Infinite Scroll addon.

- Improvement: Removed jQuery dependency from WooCommerce Infinite Scroll addon.

- Improvement: Added activate UAG notice in Custom Layout editor sidebar.

- Improvement: Compatibility with PHP 8.0.

- Fix: Gravity form checkbox not accessible when WooCommerce Quick View option is active.

- Fix: Accessibility - href attribute is missing in the Anchor element for Scroll to top.

- Fix: W3 validation - Removed unwanted CSS value set for content property for Quick View summary section.

- Fix: Navigation menu was not scrollable for the sticky header.

- Fix: Dropdown Mobile Menu - unable to open submenu on Sticky Header with Max Width - Site Layout.

- Fix: Elementor Pro popup not triggered when WooCommerce Single Product gallery layout is set to vertical.

- Fix: Scroll to top - Icon not appearing properly on responsive devices.

- Fix: Inside post/page content breaking the page when Yoast SEO and Beaver Builder plugins are active.

- Fix: Custom Layout - Inside Post Content - appearing in the sidebar.

- Fix: Builder - Language Switcher - WPML - all langauges appearing as active.

Fix: Custom Layout's meta fields not saving when editor type is Code Editor.

- New: Added feature to enable or disable specific Custom Layout. ( )

- Improvement: Added easy filtering tabs for custom layouts lists.

- Improvement: Moved Custom Layout existing settings into a separate Gutenberg sidebar panel.

- Improvement: Add Custom Layouts on pages/posts using shortcode feature.

- Fix: Image field error in the CreativeWork Type.

- Fix: Removed unwanted title and desc tag present for search icon.

Improvement: Added compatibility for Elementor Pro v3.5.0 WooCommerce widgets.

- Improvement: Code refactor – Some filters, functions, hooks are deprecated and replaced with astra_addon_ prefix NamingConvention. ( )

- Fix: W3 validation - Getting duplicate H1 tag for 'site-title' in case of Sticky header.

- Fix: W3 validation - CSS parse error for search icon height.

- Fix: W3 validation - Duplicate ID: '#ast-hf-mobile-menu'.

- Fix: W3 validation - Duplicate HTML id '#site-navigation' in case of multiple menus on a single page.

- Fix: Builder - Menu - Transparent header's submenu background color not overridden by Sticky header's submenu background color.

- Fix: Builder - Search - Placeholder was not reflecting on frontend when changing from customizer in Search box style.

- Fix: Search input field border color was not changing when hovered on search icon for Slide Search style.

- Fix: Builder – Language Switcher – Element's language options overlapping on one another.

- Fix: Flyout menu reoccurs when clicked on close icon for Old Header on iPhone devices.

- Improvement: Moved heading color options to Global Colors section. 

- Fix: Backward compatibility for Content Background option with the theme.

- Improvement: Astra menu settings button made accessible to users with 'edit-theme-options' capability.

- Improvement: Clear asset cache of theme and addon on every new update of the addon.

- Improvement: WooCommerce & EDD cart - Introducing Cart product count color option.

- Fix: Fatal error `Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function astra_get_tablet_breakpoint()` in some cases.

- Fix: Search - Added Accessibility for Search Box style of Search Button.

- Fix: EDD - Cart count is overlapping on the submenu section.

- Fix: Builder - Account Element - Sticky header menu color not working.

- Fix: Builder - Account Element - Menu Font not working.

- Fix: Builder - Account Element - Deprecated responsive options for menu colors.

- Fix: Builder - Account Element - Login menu notice only visible when WooCommerce or Lifter LMS plugin activated.

- Fix: Sticky Header shrink option not working in new Header/Footer builder.

- Security Fix: Replaced AJAX post request with simple JS request for Infinite pagination from WooCommerce & Blog Pro addon.

- Fix: Builder - Submenu & sticky header colors not working if "Header Sections" addon is deactivated from old header. ( )

- Fix: Search - In 'Search Box' style search icon missing when Astra CSS icons available on site.

- Fix: Category archive title showing extra 1em space around when "Add Space Between Posts" option is disabled.

- Fix: Showing old footer copyright section on checkout page when distraction free checkout option is enabled for WooCommercce, EDD and LifterLMS.

- Fix: Stack On option for footer Social Icons not reflecting correctly as per setting in customizer.

- Fix: Search icon color is not applying to the Sticky Header Search Box style.

- Fix: Builder - WooCommerce & EDD cart - Outline cart type has transparent background. ( )

- Fix: Page Headers and Custom Layouts for specific Pages/ Posts/ Taxonomies, etc. do not work in customizer.

- Fix: Swap Section feature not working for mobile in Old Header Footer. ( )

- Deprecated: Filter 'astra_infinite_pagination_post_type' deprecated as AJAX request handled by simple JS request. ( )

- Fix: Fatal error on the widgets page when Learndash module is active.