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Log Update Item Astra WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item Astra WordPress Theme.

- Improvement: WooCommerce - Admin bar's customize link updated on WooCommerce pages for quick landing to it's respected customizer section.

- Improvement: WooCommerce - Added WPML translation support for cart dynamic input, proceed to checkout input & free-shipping text input through wpml-config.xml file. (Props - OnTheGoSystems)

- Improvement: WooCommerce - Shop - Shop skin layout design 3 option moved from addon to theme.

- Improvement: WooCommerce - Shop - Product card alignment option moved from addon to theme.

- Improvement: WooCommerce Cart - Hide cart total when cart is empty option.

- Improvement: WooCommerce - Single Product - Moved sticky add to cart from addon to theme.

- Improvement: WooCommerce - Moved Add to cart quantity button to cart from addon to theme.

- Improvement: WooCommerce - Single Product - Moved structure options from pro to free theme.

- Improvement: WooCommerce - Moved Add to cart quantity button to cart from addon to theme.

- Improvement: Earth (default) icon for selected color improved for better visibility on brighter & dim colors.

- Improvement: Redesigned the Astra Meta Settings layout control similar to customizer layout selection options.

- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - Alignment issue with content added by plugin near add to cart section.

- Fix: WooCommerce - Dropdown icon cart link does not redirect to cart page.

- Fix: WooCommerce - Cart element is adding primary header height on below and above header section.

- Fix: WooCommerce - Cross sell grid products showing with 50% width when modern cart layout is enabled on cart page.

- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - Flex CSS conflicting with third party plugins which adds custom functionality aside add-to-cart button.

- Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Misalignment for order products quantity in order summary box.

- Fix: WooCommerce - Show password eye icon is not visible on My Account page.

- Fix: Block Editor - 2em Block gap spacing appearing in container blocks.

- Fix: Customizer range slider control not accepting decimal values for 'em' unit.

- Fix: Padding being added to the Full Width/Stretched Layout when using Brizy Page Builder.

- Fix: Search element not clickable on above header, moving old to new header builder.

- Fix: Showing deprecated function warning on frontend after installing Elementor with theme.

- Fix: The Menu gets disappeared on the Android mobile device when you select Header Type is set as Dropdown.

- Fix: Footer - Footer global background color and padding is not working in the frontend.

- Fix: Spectra plugin settings page link redirect to old 'uag' admin page.

- Fix: WooCommerce - Child theme's WooCommerce custom templates gets overridden by parent theme.

- Fix: Block editor - Row block's layout stack in editor.

- Fix: PHP error with uncaught function 'ctype_xdigit' not found in common-functions.php on some specific servers.

- New: Redesigned the entire customizer UI for better user experience.

- New: WooCommerce - Product Catalog - Introduced content layout & sidebar option.

- New: WooCommerce - General - Introduced store notice text color & background color options.

- New: WooCommerce - General - Introduced store notice position option.

- New: WooCommerce - Single Product- Introduced Option to add free shipping text next to WooCommerce single product price.

- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Introduced Product Variation Orientation option.

- New: WooCommerce Cart - Option for enabling desktop offcanvas cart flyout.

- New: WooCommerce Cart - Option to update offcanvas flyout direction.

- New: WooCommerce Cart - Option to change offcanvas flyout width.

- New: WooCommerce Cart - Introduced cart icon hover color option.

- New: WooCommerce Cart - Introduced cart Margin and Padding spacing option.

- New: WooCommerce Cart - Introduced cart total Label position option.

- New: WooCommerce Cart - Introduced Icon size option in the WooCommerce Cart.

- New: WooCommerce Cart - Introduced show/hide cart total badge option.

- Improvement: Categorized & segregated global options into respective sections of customizer.

- Improvement: WooCommerce Cart - Modify the Cart label section via Shortcodes. ( )

- Improvement: Introduced filter 'astra_stretched_layout_with_spacing' to exclude Stretched layout around spacing CSS. ( )

- Improvement: Introduced filter 'astra_get_store_sidebar_layout' to extend sidebar option for the WooCommerce layout.

- Fix: WooCommerce - Margin issue for single shop page with the Full width & Contained Layout.

- New: Block editor - Padding presets for container blocks. ( )

- Improvement: Default sidebar layout is improved.

- Improvement: Moved Single Post and Page spacing option to theme from addon.

- Fix: Block editor - Bottom margin is not set as per customizer setting for Paragraph block.

- Fix: Table block not aligned centrally for Legacy block editor setup.

- Fix: Sticky header - Offcanvas menu do not close when header menu link is set to #target.

- Fix: Blog Achieve layout 2 and layout 3 broken between 769px to 921px.

- Fix: Image block not aligned centrally for Legacy block editor setup.

- Fix: Block editor and frontend layout mismatch for Row block.

- Fix: Primary submenus not expandable on mobile when toggle button element is not added.

- Fix: PHP Notice - Array to string conversion on widget.php page.

- Fix: ul & ol list items overlap on previous alignleft WordPress block.

- Fix: Logo markup loading on the frontend without added logo in Site Identity.

- Fix: Mobile/tablet menu not able to close when #target_id link is used.

- Fix: Improvements as per WordPress coding standards.

- Fix: Compatibility with WordPress 6.0 - Image block not aligned center when Legacy option set from the Block Editor.

- Fix: Header - Account - Login popup not opening on mobile/tablet.

- Fix: The theme's responsive styles not loading with the responsive preview option in the block editor.

- Fix: Off-Canvas - button type is missing for the close button inside the Flyout header type.

- Fix: W3 validation - Parse error for background-color CSS property.

- Fix: W3 validation - aria-label attribute is missing for related posts link.

- Fix: W3 validation - Role attribute is missing for Account element link.

- Fix: Line height decimal not appearing in the Global typography section.

- Fix: Block editor - Layout settings are not visible for Group block.

- Fix: Users updating from v3.7.8 in some edge cases facing resource allocation error.

- Fix: Global Typography Body and Headings font family preview changes not appearing in the customizer.

- Fix: Beaver Builder page content width not working properly with block editor CSS compatibility.

- Fix: W3 validation - Role attribute is missing for Account element link.

- Fix: WooCommerce - Grid layout not working properly with Products Archive shortcode.

- Fix: Toggle menu not collapsible on below IOS 13 version.

- Fix: Compatibility with WordPress 5.9.2 - Customizer block editor color More Settings getting oval shape around palette.