Total 07/10/2024 : We HAVE 10099 Items and more than 3342 happy members.
Log Update Item Download Monitor Email Lock Add on
This page only show history update item Download Monitor Email Lock Add on.

* Added: Filters for locked_download and locked_download sorting in admin list table.

* Changed: Notices priority set to 8.

* Fixed: Fix for PHP 5.6 error "unexpected '::' (T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)".

* Fixed: DLM 4.6.0 comaptibilioty for XHR

* Added: Email download link functionality after a user unblocks a blocked download

* Added: Double Opt-in email functionality

* Added: MX Lookup and filter for deactivation

* Changed: Show default download button to subsequent downloads if the email was allready sent. ( )

* Changed: Dismissable License Notice and show only on DLM Pages