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Log Update Item WooCommerce Point of Sale (POS)
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Point of Sale (POS).

Feature - ability to add and remove discount reasons.

Fix - searching SKU code when in scan mode was not working as expected.

Fix - receipt clarity and scale improved and corrected, respectively.

Fix - receipt template CSS not being applied to the receipt.

Fix - product search results behaviour when scrolling through results.

Fix - end of sale email notifications when holding orders.

Feature - option to disable the order status selector when fulfilling orders.

Feature - support for custom status selection (Order Status Manager by SkyVerge) for parked and fulfilled orders.

Feature - ability to scan barcodes using device camera.

Feature - option to restock out of stock products when scanned through the register.

Feature - global setting for loading of coupons on register load.

Fix - unexpected behaviour when regular products have parents.

Fix - PHP warnings related to SSL certificates.

Fix - plugin conflict that broke receipt template functionality within POS.

Fix - respect visiblity settings when displaying related products.

Fix - variation selection fails under specific circumstances.

Fix - orders with no billing first name were shown as “Walk-in Customer”.

Fix - product preview panel did not show data.

Misc - bumped the minimum required version of WC to 4.1.0.

Tweak - display SKU and image on variable product option tiles.

Tweak - search and show billing company information.

Feature - ability to define margins when printing barcodes in a continuous format.

Fix - style conflict with Avada theme.

Fix - custom product grid did not load all products.

Fix - card reader selection issue with Stripe Terminal.

Tweak - complete refactor and redesign of processing refunds through the register.

Tweak - display terminal ID along with label in register settings page.

Tweak - dispaly additional terminal info under Payments > Stripe Terminal > Available Terminals.

Tweak - display meaningful error message if no readers available.

Tweak - update setting defaults for indexing, scanning, searching and fetch order settings.

Tweak - increased number of additional payment methods to 20.