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Log Update Item wpDataTables - Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress
This page only show history update item wpDataTables - Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress.

Major update with couple of feature, bug fixes and stability improvements:

  • Feature: Added new option to show/hide search field in select-box/multiselect-box filters.
  • Feature: Added new option to show/hide search field in Single-value select-box/Multi-value select-box in edit modal.
  • Feature: Added new options for the simple table: “Remove borders”, “Border collapse” and “Border spacing”.
  • Feature: Added new option “Page Orientation” for PDF export reports.
  • Feature: Added new option “Paper Size” for PDF export reports.
  • Improvement: Improved checking for existing PHP extension – zlib on the server.
  • BugFix: Fixed issue with double loading for multiselect filter.
  • Compatibility with WordPress 5.8.1 approved.
  • Other small bug fixes and stability improvements