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Log Update Item Easy Digital Downloads - ConvertKit WordPress Plugin
This page only show history update item Easy Digital Downloads - ConvertKit WordPress Plugin.

Dev: The plugin has been refactored to use the EDD Newsletter Tool for more consistent behavior and to reduce conflicts with other extensions.

Improvement: Add an empty "Select a Form" dropdown option to better convey when one isn't selected.

Fix: Purchase data occasionally not being sent to ConvertKit.

Fix: Settings could disappear if two EDD newsletter plugins were active (e.g. ConvertKit and AWeber).

Dev: Refactor how EDD_License is instantiated.

Dev: Refactor how plugin is loaded.

Dev: Allow EDD_ConvertKit hooks to be unhooked.

Fix: Customers are now always added to per-product lists/tags, even if they have not opted in. (Customers who opt in are additionally added to the "main" list chosen in the extension's settings.)

Fix: Change Plugin URL to Plugin URI in header.