* Fix - Fixed missing notices.
* Tweak - Improved compatibility with Memberships.
* Important - Composite Products now requires WooCommerce 3.6+.
* Feature - Introduced 'Analytics > Composites' revenue report.
* Feature - Made it possible to remove optional Components in the Cart page.
* Feature - Introduced 'woocommerce_composite_component_disable_addons' filter.
* Fix - Fixed failed Add to Cart action when the selected option is not in current component view.
* Fix - Display product's original price in composited item price if the component has a discount.
* Fix - Fixed a fatal error that is triggered by invalid 'wc_cp_notice_options' values.
* Fix - Prevent duplicate component option title from showing when configuring a Composite Product in an order.
* Feature - Re-introduce 'Virtual' checkbox for Composite Products. When saving a Composite as Virtual, all physical products purchased in its Components will be treated as Virtual, too.
* Fix - Fixed 'Undefined variable: availability' notice in 'WC_CP_Product::get_availability_text()'.
* Fix - Display the component page with the selected option on page load for paginated components.
* Tweak - Updated the data structure returned by 'WC_CP_Scenarios_Manager::get_settings()' to prevent datatype errors when 'json_encode' gets called downstream.
* Tweak - Added 'add-to-cart' parameter to submit button.