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Log Update Item Gravity Forms Signature Add-On
This page only show history update item Gravity Forms Signature Add-On.

Fixed an issue that makes the signature reset button hard to press using mobile browsers.

Fixed an issue where the signature field has no width when used in multiple forms on a page.

- Fixed an issue where the signature field has no width when other form fields use conditional logic.

- Fixed an issue where the signature field does not work correctly for mobile/touch devices.

- Fixed an issue where the lock reset button is not hidden when clicking the signature reset button when a signature is present and the screen is resized.

- Fixed an issue where a conditionally-hidden signature field's width is not updated or responsive.

- API: Updated SuperSignature to version

Fixed an issue where the signature field has no width when other forms fields use conditional logic.

- Fixed an issue where the signature field does not work correctly for mobile/touch devices.

- Fixed an issue where the lock reset button is not hidden when clicking the signature reset button when a signature is present and the screen is resized.

- Fixed an issue where a conditionally hidden signature field's width is not updated or responsive.

- Updated SuperSignature to version

- Fixed JavaScript errors on the edit entry page that prevent the signature field from being edited.

- Fixed an issue that causes the signature field to throw a JavaScript error on the front-end when the data input doesn't exist.

- Fixed an issue where script tags are output above document head element.

- Fixed a fatal error which can occur when saving the signature in some hosting environments.