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Log Update Item WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Measurement Price Calculator.

 * Fix - Replace deprecated usages of `is_ajax()` in favor of `wp_doing_ajax()`

 * Misc - Require WooCommerce 3.9.4 or newer

 * Dev - Add hooks to allow product data to be filtered before display

<p>* Fix - Address some PHP notices when handling measurement products without pricing rules in newer PHP versions</p><p>* Fix - Address an issue where a "rounding necessary" error occurs when adding a product to cart under certain configurations</p>

* Fix - Address some floating point math issues by using BigNumber.js and Brick\Math libraries

* Tweak - Format available stock number for measurement products with thousands and decimal separators

* Misc - Remove support for the legacy woo-includes functions