Total 29/03/2025 : We HAVE 11309 Items and more than 3520 happy members.
Log Update Item WooCommerce Groups
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Groups.

* WordPress 6.0 compatible.

* WooCommerce 6.7 compatible.

* Requires at least WooCommerce 5.8.

* Removed support for deprecated admin actions.

* Fixed code formatting, quality and documentation issues.

* Replaced use of deprecated order retrieval methods.

* WordPress 5.9 compatible.

* WooCommerce 6.2 compatible.

* Fixed a fatal error produced when WooCommerce is deactivated.

* Updated documentation URLs.

* Added plugin action links.

* Updated extensions section.

* Sorting products by group memberships added and removed, including from their variations (versus only by groups added).

* WordPress 5.8 compatible.

* WooCommerce 5.9 compatible.

* Requires at least WooCommerce 5.5.

* Revised the Products section to also show groups assigned via variations on variable products.

* Revised administrative sections and styles.

* Moved inline styles to stylesheets and added minified versions.

* WordPress 5.8 compatible.

* WooCommerce 5.8 compatible.

* Updated translations.

* WordPress 5.8 compatible.

* WooCommerce 5.4 compatible.

* Requires at least WooCommerce 5.0.

* Corrected a description related to when customers are removed from groups with subscriptions.

* Translations updated.

* Added output escaping where missing.

* Fixed slashes displayed on quotes etc when displaying group names and as options.