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Log Update Item Typology - Text Based Minimal WordPress Blog Theme
This page only show history update item Typology - Text Based Minimal WordPress Blog Theme.

Fixed: Image popup option (Theme Options -> Misc.)

* Improved: Tested compatibility with WordPress 6.0 (yes, it's safe update your theme)

* Fixed: Gallery and image popup options not working in WP 5.9+

* Added: Single post option to pull Previous/Next posts from the same category

* Improved: Theme Options UI and UX changes

* Fixed: Firefox and Redux (Theme Options) save problem

* Fixed: Several minor styling issues

* Improved: WordPress 5.8 compatibility tweaks ( yes,you can update your theme )

* Added: noopener attribute to certain links

* Fixed: Gutenberg editor font size problem

* Fixed: Gutenberg gallery popup problem

* Fixed: Several minor styling issues