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Log Update Item Elegant Themes - Divi Builder Wordpress Plugin
This page only show history update item Elegant Themes - Divi Builder Wordpress Plugin.

Fixed row width and max width issues on the builder. Introduced new {module_type}.processed.css.selector filter to allow third-party modules to modify the module selector after processing.

- Relocated module selector filter to be fired after selector is processed and pass module slug as 2nd parameter.

- Fixed Woo Title module not showing up when selecting another product.

- Fixed the animation for the tooltip modal not working properly in some cases.

- Fixed issue with the form validation from the Sellsy plugin.

- Fixed extra padding on Vimeo videos with unusual aspect ratios.

- Introduced module info as 2nd parameter of static css method of custom module component.

- Exposed generateStyles util method for Divi Builder API.

- Fixed incorrect Portability modal reposition when users switch between Export and Import tabs.

- Fixed styling issue with buttons on the settings modal in RTL.

- Fixed tooltip modal not closing properly when clicking outside the modal area.

- Fixed a bug in Woo Cart Totals module which was causing shipping address to not update in some cases.

- Fixed content analysis for Yoast and RankMath plugins in GB.

- Fixed fatal error on Background component when some of its features are disabled.

- Fixed the inability to type into email optin form with background pattern.

- Updated NPM packages dependencies to the highest version.

- Fixes for the color selector position while saving in the background color picker.

- Added user permissions check to manage access to Divi library items.

- Fixed "invalid taxonomy" error which occurred when opening Divi > Divi Library > Manage Tags from the admin.

- Fixed error when saving big items to the Divi Cloud.

- Added presets import confirmation modal when importing items from the Cloud.

- Fixed Input Field's Style option in the Woo Notice Module. Fixed Conflict between Title Styles and Input Field Styles.

- Fixed Local categories and tags count update when moving item to the Cloud.

- Fixed a bug with the Visual Builder when adding a Number Counter module and using a comma as separator.

- Fixed woo products showing in one column on mobile when dynamic css is disabled.

- Fixed issue with Contact Form module textarea incorrectly stripping newlines in some cases.

- Improved Cloud categories and Tags saving.

- Fixed an issue where post-dependent Dynamic Fields (ex: Post Date, Post Comments, etc.) would output the data from the latest post on archive pages where it should not output anything.

- Fixed a PHP deprecation warning that occurred in some cases when disabling Product Tour.

- Fixed wrong text direction in multi-column row when equal 'Equalize Column Heights' option is on.

- Fixed product save issue when Rank Math is active and Add To Cart module is located before Price module.

- Fixed Checkbox checkmark styling to ensure its in properly centered position.

- Introduces new hooks which are fired when settings modal is open or close.

- Fixed the issue where using Extra Layouts as Homepage would break Homepage styles.

- Fixed incorrect display of loading icon on library item.

- Fixed History Modal labels in Theme Builder.

- Improved screenshots generating system for Cloud Items.

- Fixed issue where user were not able to deselect the category/tag after removing all items from selected category/tag.

- Added ability to remain logged into the Cloud Account on multiple websites simultaneously.

- Fixed issue where select all checkbox was rendering even when there is no items to select in Library modal.

- Added function to bulk trash layouts from list view mode.

- Changed the default order of cloud items to sort from new to old.

- Fixed Library freezing when viewing an item containing hundreds of items.

- Display screenshots grid of first 6 layouts in tag folder.

- Fixed spacing issues in Tags input field.

- Fixed PHP 8 warning for Specialty Column Section Background Settings on Frontend for some cases.

- Fixed Body Line Height option affects the Menu Module icons.

- iFrame from custom field is now allowed to be embedded as Dynamic Content.

- Fixed issue when 3P modules have custom selector for background hover, it's no longer worked and inherited main selector instead with :hover suffix.

- Fixed Import Presets checkbox when importing items to local library using Cloud App.

- Fixed warning MaxListenersExceededWarning printed in the console when opening global color setting field.

- Fixed social media module sticky margin overridden by desktop value.

- Fixed the title, description and the label name that possibly causes confusion when saving Section / Row / Module / Layout.

- Fixed background video not properly showing up on hover.

- Fixed a z-index ordering conflict between video backgrounds and section dividers.

- Fixed menu overflow issue in header with video background.

- Updated React Tooltip NPM package to the latest version.

- Fixed a bug which caused rendering the wrong CSS for image size on front end in some cases.

- Fixed a bug in BarCounter module to show percentage properly in VB.

- Added missing placeholder SVGs on Theme Builder.

- Removed unneeded help button from Save to Library Modal in some cases.

- Fixed migration of background gradient settings for Specialty Section columns.

- Exposed animation functionalities for third-party extensions.

- Fixed checkout module being unable to process the checkout request when "Ship to different address ?" is selected.

- Fixed issue where a Shop page built with Divi Builder could have some Woo Module styles broken on Front End.

- Fixed duplicate styles tag injected into VB builder HTML head element.

- Fix recently broken backwards compatibility in includes/builder/feature/Library.php.

- Fixed module count label when no results found in Divi Library, rather than "0 Module" it will display "No Results".

- Fixed Premade Items disappearing when logging out from Divi Cloud.

- Fixed Divi Library items list rendering in WP Admin.

- Fixed PHP error when exporting some layouts from Divi Library.

- Fixed Global Colors exporting when item is exported from the Divi Library.

- Added 'Update URI' plugin header check that can be used by 3rd party developers to avoid update conflicts with plugins sold on the Marketplace and the ones sold on the developer's website.

- Fixed a PHP fatal error that occured when installing themes on older versions of WordPress (5.4.10 or older).

- Fixed premade items caching.

- Fixed free items calculation in the Divi Cloud App.

* cloud/build/et-cloud-app.bundle.js

- Fixed a bug that prevented the settings modal from updating its background gradient preview when switching between view modes.

- Improved items list refresh in the Cloud App after premade item is copied.

- Fixed a PHP warning that occurred when attempting to edit a non-existent post from the WordPress backend.

- Fixed flipped divider flickering in Safari browser.

- Fixed Uncaught TypeError when Post Content module is edited in Wireframe Mode and then saved.

- Fixed box shadow disappearing from posts in the blog module with pagination.

- Fixed an issue where, during a woocommerce checkout, changing the country wasn't updating the shipping method .

- Fixed a bug in Global Presets that would create malformed background gradients when processing global colors contained within a background gradient.

- Fixed major performance issue caused by modifications to React Tooltip, which resulted in noticeable lag when interacting with the settings modal for long periods of time.

- Fixed Library Modal styles loading in Backend Builder when Divi Builder Plugin is used.

- Removed unsupported actions from the Divi Cloud in Theme Builder.

- Fixed premade layouts update in the Cloud App when new layouts added.

- Fixed large lists of Categories and Tags creation at once from the Cloud App.

- Fixed Cloud tags icon if tag name contains uppercase letters.

- Fixed the incorrect message that appeared when Divi Marketplace product updates failed.

- Fixed conflict with Events Manager plugin.

- Fixed a bug in the background gradients migration script that prevented inherited settings from fully migrating to the new Gradient Builder format.

- Fixed a bug in Counter Module that caused the background image to repeat with default settings on the front end.

- Fixes an issue where the semicolon was not included after the important property on some form fields on focus.

- Fixed issue were changing the zip code wasn't updating the shipping method for the given zip code.

- Fixed an issue which caused background pattern/mask to not show up properly when parallax image is used for column backgrounds on the front end.

- Fixed a text string conversion that could cause a fatal error in PHP 8.0 or later.

- Fixed Divi Cloud App conflict with 3rd party plugins in some cases.

- Fixed infinity resize event when FW Header fullscreen exists and the module scripts are reinitiated.

- Fixed numeric input increment step value is incorrect when shift key is released before any other key.

- Added Divi Cloud storage system for Divi layouts.

- Launched new version of the Divi Library popup in the Visual Builder.

- Added the ability to manage Divi Library tags and categories in the Visual Builder.

- Added new tag view mode in the Divi Library popup, allowing layouts to be categorized into tag "folders."

- Added the ability to edit, preview, duplicate, delete and restore Divi Library layouts in the Visual Builder.

- Added the ability to favorite local and pre-made layouts.

- Added new sort modes and filtering options to the layouts list in the Divi Library popup.

- Added the ability to create new tags and categories when saving layouts in the Divi Library from the Visual Builder.

- Fixed a problem with frontend rendering of CSS for columns in specialty sections that used background gradients.

- Replaced jQuery hashchange library with Javascript hashchange event.

- Fixed search module background not being set on the entire module.

- Enhanced our options migration system to include third-party Divi Builder modules in its option updates.

- Fixed Global Colors usage in Presets.

- Fixed page settings bar collapsing unintentionally when clicking anywhere in the page.

- Fixed Checkout Details module not changing price when shipping option is changed.

- Fixed a data formatting conflict between Dynamic Content and Gradient Builder that blocked saving in some cases.

- Hardened escaping for plugin changelog entry URL being saved to transient data.

- Replaced jQuery hashchange library with Javascript hashchange event.

- Added new advanced gradient builder control to the background option group.

- Improved VB performance by refactoring event listener in utils/mouse.js to be more efficient.

- Removed mousemove event listener in ETBuilderRoot component.

- Improved the logic to add/ remove event listener in ETBuilderPageSettingsBar component.

- Improved VB performance by prevented certain actions from being executed on every click when not necessary.

- Improved VB performance by refactoring event listener in utils/keyboard.js to be more efficient.

- Fixed helper functions not being loaded in certain cases causing errors when 3rd party modules are autosaved.

- Fixed a bug which were causing Background Size of Post Slider Module to be different in some cases on Frontend.

- Fixed a bug where the left padding for specialty columns did not work in some cases.

- Fixed an issue where the "View Details" link was not correctly set for products on the latest version.

- Fixed a PHP error in Extra Theme which was caused by Background Settings helper class.

- Updated Image Position option to show for all image repeat options in Background Settings.

- Fixed a bug that was causing Button Background Settings to not render properly on front end.