This module allows you to add/insert a product quickly and easily in a single page without going through the default necessarily tabs.
****** Features ********
- admin bar always on top
- custom product insert tabs
- select what field you want to show or hide
- hide only heading of tabs
- one page view
- customize page by added product type
- customize without having to exit the product insert page
- selection is made instantly without save or submit button
Checkboxes state is saved using cookies & JavaScript.
-add image easy and fast (only for ver.1.5.5,, 1.5.6,,,, )
**** Bonus****
-additional product info-keywords density
****** Install ********
1. Make sure you have VQMOD Installed.
2. Upload the admin & vqmod folder. (no files are overwritten.)
4. Go to your shop admin panel and Navigate the page to {Catalog} --> {Products} --> {Insert}
3. Enjoy