This Chess Club HTML Template is a great option if you’re thinking of:
The template is completely responsive, resizes easily to any screen resolution and screen sizes! It uses Google Fonts and icons from FlatIcon. The code of the template is very well-formatted and commented, so customizing it will not be a hard thing to do!
With its many options, it can be turned in to any type of website you need to create; Not just a chess club as you well know.
Official Themeforest.
Template Features
What You Get
Created | 14-06-2021 |
Updated | 07-07-2021 |
الفئة | PHP Scripts |
Theme Type | NULLED |
حجم الملف | 73.94 MB |
تعليقات | 0 |
الآراء | 2079 |
المبيعات | 0 |
Downloaded | 0 |