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Viralist - Viral lists script with Facebook App - V1.1.2

Version: 1.1.2

Item cover for download Viralist - Viral lists script with Facebook App

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Have you heard of Buzzfeed? I know you have.. Do you know what is the most Viral content on Buzzfeed? Do you know what helped Buzzfeed and many similar sites grow that big? You’re about to discover the answer to all these right now.

And guess what, you will be able to do the same as Buzzfeed with our new awesome Viral Script, Viralist.

Okay, lets see what it is..

Viralist is a Viral lists website script written in PHP that lets you build a viral content website with awesome curated lists like Buzzfeed. Viralist supports a lot of media types like Photos, videos(Youtube and Vimeo), SoundCloud audio, quotes, etc. Support for a lot of other media types will be added in future.

Lists get super viral and they are easy to make. With Viralist, your users could make awesome lists for you. They can signup with their email or via Facebook and create lists with our simple and easy interface. You can either enable auto approval or approve the user-created lists manually via the admin panel.

The powerful admin panel and the Super Viral features of Viralist makes it the best choice to build a great viral site with little effort.

There are a lot of more amazing things you need to know about Viralist.. Read on! 

Have clients? You can earn big with Viralist now!
Impress you clients and earn huge by offering them a premium viral content website. Viralist is great for promoting any business on the internet and take it Viral which will earn your client a huge ROI . Need some cool ideas? I know you are really smart to think of a lot.. But here are just a few to spark up your ideas.. 

Viralist demo

Viralist Admin panel demo

Username: admin 
Password: admin

Minimum server requirements
PHP 5.4 or above
Apache Web Server
MCrypt PHP Extension (required for Laravel)
Mbstring PHP Extension (required for FB SDK – Facebook login)
PDO Extension
GD Extension (for image processing)
Fileinfo Extension
Technologies and libraries used in Viralist
Laravel 4.2
Bootstrap 3
Backbone Js
And many other OpenSource libraries
I don’t know anything about code. Can I install it and get it running?

Yes, Of course. You just need to upload it and install it using the built-in web-based installer. All you need to do is to create a database and provide the details. If in case you experience any other difficulty, we are here to help! Simply open a ticket.
Can I install it on a shared hosting?

Sure, as long as it meets the specified requirements
Does it support Arabic and other RTL languages?

Yes! It supports all Right-to-left languages too. But adding the creator’s name on list preview image doesn’t work for RTL languages
v1.1.2 (24 October 2015)
Know about the update here! 

Vector characters from

Vectors by Freepik

Laurel wreath – Designed by Freepik
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14 Nov 2019 - Version 1.1.2
Product Added to the system.
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