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Log Update Item Ajax Search Pro - Live WordPress Search & Filter Plugin
This page only show history update item Ajax Search Pro - Live WordPress Search & Filter Plugin.

Fixed an issue with the image parser


  • Polylang compatibility fix
  • Index table attachment search issue fixed

New Features

  • Date filters - now possible to select the earliest and the latest post dates as the default filter values
  • Ajax Pagination on Elementor widgets
  • Browser back button - now works with Elementor results

Fixes & Improvements

  • Index table - fixed an issue with title indexing, where the post title was 0 characters long
  • Fixed the auto populate with the legacy scripts
  • "use strict" on all javascript files
  • Eleminated all inline CSS and moved to a separate file instead
  • Eleminated all jQUery direct handler calls and replaced with .on(..) and trigger(..) on the back-end scripts.
  • Auto-populate duplicates (when using random order) + more results feature are no longer present
  • Default search cache interval changed to 30 days instead of 1 day
  • Fixed an issue with the slider and range sliders init script when used in a cloned pop-up
  • Datepicker now correctly sets the value when clicked the back button on mobile safari browsers


  • Keyword exceptions now properly work on multisite setups with index table search
  • Improved post author name indexing (first, last, nickname and display names)
  • Improved index table relevance on post titles containing apostrophe type characters
  • Google Lighthouse optimizations - greatly optimized script loading method, vital CSS optimizations, and font loading optimizations
  • Corrected the conditional asset loader
  • Polylang issue fixes - now the results page should respect when the polylang compatibility is turned off
  • Index Table - added option to update index when post meta is changed (OFF by default)
  • Elementor - Magnifier & Return actions - Now redirect to first result with elementor
  • Elementor - when hitting the "reset" button on clearing the search bar or the filters, it should reset back to the original state.
  • Browser back button - now works without entering a phrase


  • Removed very old browser compatibility option, which was causing issues
  • Many of the legacy scripts also reduced in size