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Log Update Item FiboSearch AJAX Search for WooCommerce (Pro)
This page only show history update item FiboSearch AJAX Search for WooCommerce (Pro).

* FIX: Multisite: search does not work when the plugin is activated on a network-wide level

* FIX: Rare database error “Duplicate entry...” error when building search index

* ADD: Integration with Woostify theme

* ADD: Integration with Neve theme

* ADD: Integration with WP Rocket

* ADD: Include block sources in the plugin package

* ADD: Possibility to reset search statistics from the settings page

* ADD: Support for <sub> element in autocomplete suggestions

* ADD: Stopwords feature

* ADD: Improved logging of indexer errors related to the database

* ADD: Improved detection of non-emergency errors while building the index

* ADD: Integration with “Product Specifications for Woocommerce” plugin

* ADD: Polish translation

* FIX: Incorrect display of styles with personalization of the search

* FIX: Wrong settings index in Impreza and Enfold theme

* FIX: Removed of unnecessary language files

* FIX: Always set cursor at the end of the input

* FIX: Incorrect verification if the browser supports speech recognition

* FIX: FiboSearch Analytics - not working “check” buttons of the latest loading list

* FIX: Unnecessary options and transients after uninstalling plugin

* FIX: Indexer error when the variation has a very long SKU

* FIX: Unable to save fields with capital letters in the "Search in custom fields" option

* FIX: Not indexing ACF fields with “-” in the name

* FIX: Constant rebuilding of the index in certain circumstances

* FIX: Error trying to index products whose languages were not active

* FIX: Using a second DB connection to database outside of searchable indexer context

* FIX: Incorrectly handled transaction to the database during index build

* FIX: Index building stops for unspecified reasons at 80% or 100%

* FIX: Not including filtered data when indexing a variation of product

* FIX: Indexer error when multilingualism is disabled by constant and the TranslatePress or qTranslate-XT plugin is active

* FIX: Unable do add new indexer logs

* FIX: No terms in "Exclude/include products" option

* FIX: Duplicated SQL queries during page load

* FIX: WOOF – Products Filter for WooCommerce: display search-related code above filters

* FIX: No search results when a category is excluded with an active Polylang plugin

* FIX: Notice in indexer logs with active Polylang plugin and indexing of post/pages.

* REFACTOR: Removing references to dgwt_wcas_si_info table which is no longer used

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