This page only show history update item WooCommerce Price Based on Country Pro Add-on.
* Fixed: Product Add-ons compatibility - The validation of the required fields fails when the "Load product price in the background" option is enabled.
* Added: Compatible with WooCommerce 7.0.
* Added: The "Exchange rate fee (%)" field allows to entering negative values.
* Fixed: Minor bugs.
* Added: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.9+.
* Fixed: Product Add-ons compatibility - Sometimes, the "refresh price via AJAX" feature does not make visible the add-ons subtotal.
* Added: Compatible with WooCommerce 6.8+.
* Added: New filter 'wc_price_based_country_round_price_after_taxes'.
Fixed: PHP error on "Table Rate Shipping by WooCommerce" compatibility module.