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Log Update Item Prolancer | Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item Prolancer | Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme.

- In the seller profile  social media updating saving issue has been fixed

- In the buyer profile social media  updating issue has been fixed

- On registration buyer and seller profile names have been added automatically 

- The service attachment image changing issue has been fixed in the edit 

- The project attachment image changing issue has been fixed in the edit

- Front-end dashboard seller profile gender value has been made capitalized

- 404 templates added to the front-end board

- Create or edit a project and service ID is now restricted. and the 'No result found!' warning will appear while inputting a wrong value

- Ongoing services detail page ID is now restricted. and the 'No result found!' warning will appear while inputting a wrong value

- Ongoing projects detail page ID is now restricted. and the 'No result found!' warning will appear while inputting a wrong value

- Completed services detail page ID is now restricted. and the 'No result found!' warning will appear while inputting a wrong value

- Completed projects detail page ID is now restricted. and the 'No result found!' warning will appear while inputting a wrong value

- Seller's cancelled projects page issue has been fixed

- Seller's cancelled projects and services action button has been removed

- Ongoing project details are now restricted, logged-in current users can see their detail only

- Ongoing service details are now restricted, logged-in current users can see their detail only

- Completed project details are now restricted, logged-in current users can see their detail only

- Completed service details are now restricted, logged-in current users can see their detail only

- User switching mode has been changed

- $_COOKIE["visit_as"] deprecated from 1.2.6

- $_COOKIE["visit_as"] replaced with $visit_as variable 

- New user meta was added named 'visit_as'

- cookie.min.js script has been removed

- profile-switcher code has been removed from plugin.js

- Loader animation has been added to the login form

- prolancer_ajax_profile_switcher AJAX action has been added

- wp_login action added to verify the user already has any user mode or not

- New parameter added to the prolancer get currency symbol() function 

- Currency symbol has been fixed for the RTL version 

- Unnecessary code removed from app.js

- After the uninstalling woocommerce plugin, errors appearing issue on the site have been fixed

- class_exists( 'WooCommerce' ) condition added to every woocommerce property

- Project navigation feature added to theme option

- Service navigation feature added to theme option

- The CMB2 Validation error has been fixed

- Project error appearing issue has been fixed if everything was empty

- Service error appearing issue has been fixed if everything was empty

- To prevent errors all function is now checked by the if statement

- Service order issue has been fixed

- Wallet balance null issue has been fixed. if the wallet balance is null this will add 0 as a balance

- "get_the_ID()" have replaced with "$project_id" in the project_price post meta

- in the ajax-actions.php before starting foreach loop it will check whether the variable array exists or not

- in the frontend dashboard buyer's and seller's header image PHP error issue has been fixed

- wp_die() function added to the every ajax action

- "Name your package" and "Describe the details of your offering" translation issue has been fixed

- Create project and dispute page's "selected" PHP error has been fixed

- Sweetalert2 installed

- Wrong password alert HTML tag issue has been fixed

- The Buyer and seller widget irrilivalt icon changed

- "fixed" and "hourly" change to "Fixed" and "Hourly"

- Notification permalink URL issue has been fixed

- After completing the order redirection issue has been fixed

- Service status added to the service list

- If the service price is $0 it will show in the service list

- "taxonomy-service-categories.php" and "taxonomy-archive-projects.php" files are deleted

- All taxonomy archive displaying issue has been fixed

Product Added to the system.