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Log Update Item AutomatorWP
This page only show history update item AutomatorWP.

* **New Features**

* New integration: Autonami.

* Autonami: New trigger: User added to list.

* Autonami: New trigger: Tag added to user.

* Autonami: New anonymous trigger: Contact added to list.

* Autonami: New anonymous trigger: Tag added to contact.

* Autonami: New action: Add a tag to the user.

* Autonami: New action: Add a tag to a contact.

* **Improvements**

* Style improvements to table fields display.

* **Bug Fixes**

* Prevent PHP warnings during activation caused by checking the existent database tables during activation.

* **Improvements**

* Performance improvement reducing the database queries to check if a table exists.

* FluentCRM: Performance improvement reducing the database queries to build the contact tags.

* **New Features**

* New integration: Thrive Quiz Builder.

* Thrive Quiz Builder: New trigger: User completes a quiz.

* BuddyBoss: Added the ability to add a link preview to the "Add an activity to user" action.

* WooCommerce: New tag: Order Currency.

* WooCommerce: New tag: Order Currency Symbol.

* **Bug Fixes**

* LearnPress: Fixed hidden button "Continue" in lessons.

* **New Features**

* WordPress: Added the ability to select a different user in the action "Add, change or remove role to user".

* **Improvements**

* GamiPress: Check if user to reward on actions exists.

* Tested with WordPress 6.0.

* **New Features**

* WordPress: New trigger: User updates a post.

* WordPress: New trigger: User updates a post of a type.

* WordPress: New trigger: User updates a post of a taxonomy.

* WordPress: New trigger: User updates a field of a post.

* **Improvements**

* Prevent to display revisions from on post selector fields.

* **Improvements**

* Mailchimp: Make tags selector be able to query all tags in the account.

* **New Features**

* BuddyBoss: Added the activity author ID tag.

* BuddyPress: Added the activity author ID tag.

* **Improvements**

* WooCommerce: Added a link to the order on logs entries where an order is assigned.

* **Bug Fixes**

* Mailchimp: Fixed a small bug that caused credentials not getting saved correctly.

* **New Features**

* Added the "Post Type Label" tag to display the post type label.

* **Improvements**

* Mailchimp: Only load Mailchimp libraries when needed.

* **New Features**

* Mailchimp: New action: New Integration: Mailchimp.

* Mailchimp: New action: Add tag to user.

* Mailchimp: New action: Subscribe user to an audience.

* Mailchimp: New action: Add note to user.