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Log Update Item Stocky - Ultimate Inventory Management System with Pos
This page only show history update item Stocky - Ultimate Inventory Management System with Pos.

+ Pay all sell return due from the customer list in one payment

+ Pay all Supplier due from the Supplier list in one payment

+ Pay all Purchase return due from the Supplier list in one payment

+ Fix bug in  Purchase & sale return

+ Add Brazilian Portuguese Language

+ Add Tax Number for Customers & Suppliers

+ Add Total revenue (sales - sales return)

+ Documentation Updated

+ Some bugs Fixed

+ Add sum of Amount in reports

+ Add clean-webpack-plugin

+ Some bugs Fixed

Added : Pay all due from the customer list in one payment

Added : option product not for selling

Added : Nexmo (Vonage now) SMS Gateway

Added : bengali language

Added : Notification for new update

Added : Select Timezone in settings

Added : more setting pages

Added : invoice footer

Added : Permission to Dashboard

Added : shipping fees in pos receipt

Updated : Sale return will be according to Sale reference.

Updated : Purchase return will be according to Purchase reference.

Updated : Renamed all routes api

Updated : documentation Updated

Fixed : Mail settings issue

Fixed : Bug fixed when you make a payment

Fixed : only admin or user who has permission "system_setting" he can upgrade the system

Fixed : bug fixes

+ Added Warranty Management (IMEI & SERIAL NUMBERS)

+ Added Delivery Management

+ Added ability to assign warehouses to users

+ Added Users Report

+ Added Stock Report

+ Added Due Report to Customers

+ Added Due Report to Suppliers

+ Added Export PDF to all reports

+ Small Bug fixes

+ Added ability to assign warehouses to users

+ Added Module HRM

+ Added multi reports

+ Added Date Range in all reports

+ Update all the Node.js dependencies to their latest version

+ Documentation Updated

+ Fix issue in search box not working properly on mobile

+ Fix Print CSS

+ Make fields optional for Customers & Providers

+ Fixed npm install

+ Small Bug fixes

- Added    :  Add Korean language

- Added    :  Add Paid Amount & Due on pdf

- Added    :  Add Note on Detail transaction

- Fixed    :  Search box fixed

- Fixed    :  Bug fixes

Product Added to the system.