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Log Update Item Qreatix – Interactive Portfolio WordPress Theme
This page only show history update item Qreatix – Interactive Portfolio WordPress Theme.

- New : admin theme dashboard | server info panel;

- New : admin theme dashboard | activation checker;

- New : new "total ajaxify" setting;

- New : empty search results page;

- New : color settings for selection;

- New : recent posts by author;

- New : recent projects by author;

- New : footer simple style;

- New : newsletter successful message;

- Updated : Events Calendar templates;

- Updated : LQIP for page templates;

- Improved : authorization modal styles;

- Improved : authorization modal handler;

- Improved : Events Calendar styles;

- Improved : image-sizes for mobile;

- Improved : empty wishlist state;

- Improved : empty cart state;

- Improved : footer parts;

- Improved : navigation parts;

- Improved : portfolio/posts grids handler;

- Improved : admin theme dashboard | styles;

- Improved : admin theme dashboard | activation handler;

- Fixed : visual gallery z-index bug;

Product Added to the system.