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Log Update Item Woocommerce Gift Cards
This page only show history update item Woocommerce Gift Cards.

* Tweak - Remove Marketing menu notice.

* Tweak - Clean up onboarding notices.

* Important - Re-hooked 'WC_GC_Cart::after_calculate_totals' at 'woocommerce_after_calculate_totals' with priority '999'.

* Fix - Update cart session after modifying cart totals based on redeemed gift cards.

* Tweak - Use new WooCommerce brand colors.

* Fix - Fixed an issue that prevented 'Self-use gift card received' e-mails from being sent when the gift card order has been deleted.

* Fix - Fixed fatal error that was triggered when trying to edit an order with an orphaned gift card variation.

* Feature - Support gift card refunds.

* Feature - Added compatibility with WooCommerce Payments to hide unsupported quick-pay buttons in gift card product pages.

* Fix - Fixed fatal error that showed up when trying to edit a gift card associated with a deleted order.

Fix - Prevent an issue when importing gift cards with zero remaining balance.

Fix - Prevent gift cards codes from being applied to orders multiple times.

Fix - Fixed an issue affecting the 'Self-use gift card received' email settings.

* Fix - Removed the 'wc_gc_send_as_gift_checkbox' parameter from the permalinks of non-Gift Card cart/order items.

* Tweak - Improved invalid Gift Card code length notice.

Fix - Fixed failed Gift Card imports when e-mails values contain whitespaces.

* Feature - Let customers purchase gift cards for self-use, bypassing the gift card purchase form.

* Feature - Allow customers to carbon copy (cc) gift card e-mails to additional recipients.

* Feature - Allow merchants to blind cabon copy (bcc) additional recipients to all gift card e-mails, handy for testing and archiving purposes.

* Feature - Added compatibility with PayPal Payments to hide quick pay buttons in gift card product pages.

* Fix - Fixed missing notices.

Fix - Fixed incorrect early returns in 'set_notice_option'.