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Log Update Item Paid Memberships Pro Membership Maps
This page only show history update item Paid Memberships Pro Membership Maps.

* ENHANCEMENT: Test the API request whenever saving a new API Key to ensure it's all setup correctly.

* ENHANCEMENT: Improved functionality and sanitzation of custom fields in marker windows. URL values now are clickable.

* ENHANCEMENT: Geocode user address whenever their profile is saved or updated and billing fields are present on the edit user/profile page.

* SECURITY: Improved sanitization and escaping of variables.

* ENHANCEMENT: Improved support for Membership Directory V1.2+.

* ENHANCEMENT: Improved the map logic on the single profile view of the Member Directory to show only the person in question marker.

* ENHANCEMENT: Improved the spacing around the map on the frontend.

* BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where 'show_avatar' in Membership Directory was always showing regardless of attribute value (@aquiferweb)

Product Added to the system.