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Log Update Item Role Based Pricing for WooCommerce
This page only show history update item Role Based Pricing for WooCommerce.

* Bug fixed with quantity restriction error when quantity limit is left empty.

* Bug fixerd with fixed decrease discount when it is higher than the actual price.

Fixed bug with prices in admin created order.

Fixed issue with variation range price.

* Fixed the issue of price display when apply price filter.

* Fixed the issue of compatibility with display/get price by Ajax.

* Fixed the issue of price by WooCommerce Default API

* Fixed the issue of price display in Quick view plugin and Add to cart popup plugin

* Fixed the issue of compatibility with Request a Quote plugin

* Added the general function to check whether the product has role based price

* Added the general function to get role based price

* Added the general function to get role based price HTML

* Added the function to check whether price is hidden for product/user or not

* Added the function to check whether Add to cart button is hidden for product/user or not

* Fixed ['discount_value'] undefined index issue.

* Fixed layout issue in admin.

<p>Fixed typo errors.<br></p>
Product Added to the system.