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Log Update Item MPforWP - AMP Pagebuilder Compatibility
This page only show history update item MPforWP - AMP Pagebuilder Compatibility.

* Bug Fixed: =

* Resolved the issue of Essential Addons for Elementor CSS not loading on AMP - Elementor

* Bugs Fixed: =

* Resolved the issue of css appearing on top of amp page - Avada

* Resolved the issue of Fatal error: Call to a member function is_built_with_elementor() on bool - Elementor

* Bug Fixed: =

* Resolved the issue of Theme Builder header/footer not loading if Hello Elementor theme is used - Elementor

* Bugs Fixed: =

* Resolved the issue of Fatal error undefined method Amp_Element_Section::add_hidden_device_controls() - Elementor

* Resolved the issue Deprecated: Function ElementorDB::is_built_with_elementor - Elementor

* Bugs Fixed: =

* Resolved the issue of Fatal error undefined method FusionBuilder::font_awesome_name_handler() - Avada

* Resolved the issue of table of content module not working properly - Elementor

* Resolved the issue of theme builder editor unclickable - Elementor

* Resolved the issue of validation error if lottie is used - Elementor

* Resolved the issue of css breaking if ampforwp_pb_build_astra_postID() is empty - Elementor

* Bug Fixed: =

* Resolved the issue of Icons, fonts links slowing the website - Oxygen

* Bugs Fixed: =

* Resolved the issue of Slider module not showing - Elementor

* Resolved the issue of Fatal error Class 'Elementor\Scheme_Color' not found - Elementor

* Resolved the issue of Form fields not clickable - Divi