* Member Access Controls - Handled message permission issues from members on the network to the administrator
* OneSignal - Small improvements to not trigger multiple Web Push notifications for forum discussion and reply when members are mentioned
* Zoom - Small zoom integration update for the social group by replacing the deprecated 'verification token' field in the settings with 'security token'
* Zoom - Handled gutenberg block timezone sync issue with the zoom dashboard
* Zoom - Handled group reminder email for zoom meeting/webinar is missing join link issue
* Coding Standards - Significant code refactoring to fix PHP 8 warnings and notices
* Coding Standards - Significant code refactoring to fix PHP 8.2 deprecation errors, warnings, and notices
* Notifications - Provided 'Skip Active Members' option for Push Notifications
* Messages - Handled '%' special character issue doesn't allow sending messages
* Compatibility - Handled OneSignal console error conflict with the 'Geodirectory' plugin
* Compatibility - Handled join group and group invite screen not working conflict with the 'Restrict Content Pro' plugin
* Messages - Added Pusher integration option to enable LIVE messaging
* Messages - Provided real-time support for typing indicator, Sending/Receiving messages, and all relevant messages actions
* Zoom - Handled zoom meeting and webinar date and time issues with the timezone by refactoring the DB table
* Updater - Improvements to updater logic and performance
Zoom - Handled edit meeting minor layout issue with the sidebar