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Log Update Item FacetWP Advanced Filtering for WordPress
This page only show history update item FacetWP Advanced Filtering for WordPress.

New`facetwp_builder_query_data` hook

ImprovedProximity facets are now up to 40x faster (props And)

ImprovedSlider - support "Enclose" compare type

ImprovedAdded `FWP.response` JS object containing ajax response data

ImprovedQuery builder - better styling of vue-select (dropdown) inputs

ImprovedApply `facetwp_facet_display_value` hook to dropdown and fselect facets

FixedMoved the `facetwp/set_options/slider` JS hook (allows for "range" to be overriden)

FixedAdmin - prevent 3rd party menus from moving the top nav bar