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Log Update Item Themeisle Neve Pro
This page only show history update item Themeisle Neve Pro.

- [Fix] Range control's design broken in customizer on WordPress 5.9

- Supporting changes for logo based on palette switcher

- [Fix] Error on the search page with no results when comparison table is active

- [Fix] Show hide comments button on single post infinite scroll

- [Fix] Trying to edit a post that doesn't exist produce a notice in the backend when announcement bars are enabled

- [Fix] Missing icons in the dashboard for Elementor widgets.

- [Fix] Product navigation works through all products, not just between products in the same category.

- [Fix] Prevent Comparison table scripts to load on pages where it's not required.

- [Fix] Compare button on the cart page.

- [Fix] Off-canvas cart not opening in some cases

- [Fix] The caret for the mega menu is not doing anything in the mobile sidebar

- Improve UX for users when they configure the scroll to the top section.

- [Feat] Custom "Thank You Pages" - [Learn More](

- [Fix] Fixed the issue with slow dashboard when there are a lot of users registered on a website

- [Fix] Comparison table is not translatable

- [Fix] Product links on images require double-tap to open the product page

- [Fix] Compatibility issue between comparison table sticky bar and top positioned sticky add to cart

- [Fix] My Account drop-downs misaligned on Desktop

- Reduce JS file size for WooCommerce Booster

- [Fix] Performance module features continue to take action when the main module is disabled

- [Fix] Custom layouts not working inside content

- [Fix] Sticky header/footer script loading when not needed in edge case

- [Fix] Elementor custom field widget is not displaying the meta fields

- [Fix] Unicode characters displayed as encoded on conditional headers

- [Fix] Conditional headers JSON data getting corrupted in some cases

- [Fix] Conditional headers not saving after first publishing in the customizer

- [Fix] Cart Total Box and Fixed Total Box overlapping the footer when sticky

- [Fix] Show placeholder image in quick view modal if the product has no images

- [Fix] "Show Hooks" button appearing for users that are not admins

- [Fix] Sticky header issue that occurs on the mobile devices with admin bar visible

- [Fix] SiteGround Optimization plugin conflict

- Optimize markup for Compare and Wishlist product card buttons

- [Fix] Sticky order total box on the side-by-side cart 

- [Fix] Related posts have featured images without width and height

- [Fix] Notice when the comparison page is being deleted

- [Fix] Product breadcrumbs not showing up

- [Fix] Checkout duplicated title

- [Fix] Re-design for comparison table max product notice

- [Fix] Disable compare button from quick view

- [Fix] Disable the variation swatches options according to the stock availability or attribute dependencies 

- [Feat] Enhanced repeater control for Customizer settings

- [Fix] transparent/sticky header

- [Fix] notice that amp check was called too soon

- [Fix] image swipe effect goes over product card buttons