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Log Update Item WooCommerce Free Gifts for WooCommerce
This page only show history update item WooCommerce Free Gifts for WooCommerce.

* Tweak - Improvement in the Mini-Cart display when using the Themify Ultra Theme

* Tweak - Code Improvements

* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce 6.4.1

* New   - Minimum WordPress and WooCommerce version not met error Message

* Fix   - Default values not working properly when the plugin is activated before WooCommerce activation

* Tweak - Added option to restrict the Get Product's quantity in the Buy X Get Y Manual mode

* Tweak - Tested with WordPress 5.9.3

* Fix   - Warning message when WooCommerce plugin is deactivated

* Tweak - Improvement in the Country based Currency Switcher plugin conflict

* Tweak - Improvement in the Buy X Get Y Automatic and Manual mode

* Tweak - Tested with WooCommerce v6.3.1

* Tweak - Tested with WordPress v5.9.2

* Tweak - Improvements in the Coupon based Free Gift

* Tweak - Performance improvements in the Buy X Get Y mode

* Fix   - Buy X Get Y not working properly when purchasing the variable product that included in the Buy Category

* Tweak - Improvements in the Buy X Get Y Manual mode

* Tweak - Improvement with the PayPal Payment conflict

* Tweak - Tested up to WooCommerce v6.1.1

* Tweak - Tested up to WordPress v5.9

* Tweak - Get Product(s) can be added manually in the Buy X Get Y mode

* Tweak - Tested up to WooCommerce v6.1

* Tweak - Tested up to WordPress v5.8.3

* Tweak - Rule Sorting related improvement

* Tweak - Product Search related improvement

* Tweak - Time Zone related improvement

* Tweak - Eligibility Notice related improvement

* Tweak - Tested up to WooCommerce v5.9

* Tweak - Tested up to WordPress v5.8.2