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Log Update Item Events WordPress Theme for Booking Tickets - EM4U
This page only show history update item Events WordPress Theme for Booking Tickets - EM4U.

- Update theme to version 1.5.8

- Update OVA Events Manager Stripe Payment Gateway plugin version 1.1.2

+ Fix Price

- Update Ovatheme Events Manager Plugin to version 1.5.2s

+ Fix logo in PDF Ticket

+ Update plugin working with latest WooCommerce.

+ Fix send mail in some case.

+ Fix assign event for product.

+ Update short speakers in backend.

- Update Ovatheme Events Manager Plugin to version 1.5.0

+ Update code Single event template

+ Fix isset session when order

- Update Ovatheme Events Manager Plugin to version 1.4.9

+ Fix Event Countdown For Polylang

+ Update language file.

- Update theme to version 1.5.2

+ Update some css

- Update Ovatheme Events Manager Plugin to version 1.4.8

+ Add the first day of week

+ Update some css

+ Fix search event

+ Fix category filter show duplicate event

Update theme to version 1.5.1

- Update Ovatheme Events Manager Plugin to version 1.4.7

+ Fix code related get all events in backend