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Log Update Item Resellers Center For WHMCS
This page only show history update item Resellers Center For WHMCS.
  • Stable release
  • WHMCS V8.8 support
  • Option to enable additional credit limit verification for the reseller's deferred payments to block orders with insufficient balances - case #1735
  • Orders will be automatically marked as approved if the "Automatically setup the product as soon as an order is placed" option is enabled for included products - case #1689
  • Reseller orders initiated from the admin area will now be blocked if their deferred payment limit has been reached and the "Reseller Invoice" option is enabled - case #1719
  • The reseller's company name displayed on the WHMCS clients list will be now taken from the WHMCS client profile instead of the provided company name in the reseller area - case #1620
  • Support for WHMCS V8.5 and previous
  • Resolved issue of incorrect taxation on invoices when the reseller's country tax rate differs from the end client's country tax rate - case #1678
  • Corrected problem with invalid redirection when trying to use the "Upgrade/Downgrade" functionality for product's configurable options - case #1306, #1731
  • Fixed case where a new pricing group with consolidated invoices could not be created if some of the resellers had unpaid invoices - case #1672
  • Consolidated invoice and due date will now be properly updated on creation
  • Corrected display of the product prices in the shopping cart and order summary after applying discount of percentage type
  • The option to use the "Deferred Payment" method will no longer be available to select for the unpaid and consolidated invoices
  • Corrected display of the domain prices for spotlighted TLDs - case #1709
  • Fixed problem with displaying all domain pricing in the client area - case #1710
  • Eliminated cases where clients could access the credit payment option although only the deferred payment method should be accessible
  • Solved issue that prevented the configuration of 'Setup Fee' for products within the pricing group due to a currency deletion
  • Resolved issue where payment with a credit card method could become unavailable for product "Upgrade/Downgrade" orders
  • Assorted corrections related to consolidated invoices and deferred payments
  • Fixed problem related to applying promotional codes when using the Lagom WHMCS Client Theme - case #1674
  • Adjusted consolidated invoices numbering - case #1730
  • Resolved issue where previously saved credit cards might not be available for the end client when placing a new order - case #1750
  • Eliminated problem where utilizing the Stripe payment method could cause the client to be logged out t from the reseller's store
  • Many other code corrections and improvements

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